Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Energy
369 guidance documents relevant to this agency for the criteria specified
Documents applying to multiple boards may be listed under each board.

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
DM-14-07 DMME Mine Incident Response, Rescue and Recovery Plan 12/2/2014 
DM-G-161.109 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 2, Section 45.1-161.109.A., Roof, Rib and Face Control 8/1/2001 
DM-G-161.115 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 2, Section 45.1-161.115.D, Supplies of Materials for Supports 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.124 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 4, Section 45.1-161.124.A, Shop and Other Equipment 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.129 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.129, Blasting Practices 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.139 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 6, 45.1-161.139, Inspection of Underground Equipment 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.141 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 6, Section 45.1-161.141.E, Self Propelled Equipment 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.143 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 6, Section 45.1-161.143.A.B, Transportation of Material 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.147 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 6, Section 45.1-161.147, Operation of Equipment 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.149 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 6, Section 45.1-161.149, Availability of Mantrips 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.159 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 7, Section 45.1-161.159.A.C, Hoisting Engineer 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.162 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 8, Section 45.1-161.162.A, Mine Openings and Escapeways 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.165 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 8, Section 45.1-161.165, Maintenance of Mine Openings 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.189 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 11, Section 45.1-161.189.E, Electricity 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.193 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 11, Section 45.1-161.193, Electricity 8/1/2001 
DM-G-161.195A DM Chapter 14.3, Article 11, Section 45.1-161.195.A, Inspection of Electric Equipment and Wiring; Checking and Testing Methane Monitors 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.195B DM Chapter 14.3, Article 11, Section 45.1-161.195 B.C.D., Inspection of Electric Equipment and Wiring; Checking and Testing Methane Monitors 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.196 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 11, Section 45.1-161.196, Repairs to Circuits and Electric Equipment 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.197 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 12, Section 45.1-161.197, First Aid Equipment 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.199 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 12, Section 45.1-161.199, Certified Emergency Medical Services Personnel 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.202 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 13, Section 45.1-161.202.B, Emergency Response Plans; List of Next of Kin 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.205 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 13, Section 45.1-161.205.F, Storage and Use of Flammable Fluids and Materials 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.206 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 13, Section 45.1-161.206, Diesel Powered Equipment 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.207 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 13, Section 45.1-161.207.B, Welding and Cutting 8/1/2001 
DM-G-161.209 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 14, Section 45.1-161.209, On-Shift Examinations 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.210 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 14, Section 45.1-161.210.J, Weekly Examinations 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.221 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 14, Section 45.1-161.221.D, Coursing of Air 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.222 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 14, Section 45.1-161.222, Actions for Excessive Methane 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.23 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 2, Section 45.1-161.23, Technical Specialist 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.238 DM Chapter 14.3, Title 15, Section 45.1-161.238.D, Storage and Use of Flammable Fluids and Materials 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.251 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 16, Section 45.1-161.251.A, Employment of Inexperienced Underground Miners 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.256 DM Chapter 14.4, Article 2, Section 45.1-161.256-257, Safety Examinations 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.258 DM Chapter 14.4, Article 2, Section 45.1-161.258, Areas with Safety or Health Hazards 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.262 DM Chapter 14.4, Article 4, Section 45.1-161.262, First Aid Equipment 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.267 DM Chapter 14.4, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.267.L,Storage and Use of Flammable Fluids and Materials 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.28-30 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 1, Sections 45.1-161.28 through 30, Operator/Independent Contractor (Examinations and Record Keeping) 9/30/2002 
DM-G-161.288 DM Chapter 14.4, Article 12, Section 45.1-161.288 and 290, Inspection of Electric Equipment and Wiring; Checking and Testing Methane Monitors 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.30A DM Chapter 14.2, Article 3, Section 45.1-161.30.A, Performance of Certain Tasks by Uncertified Persons, Penalty 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.37A DM Chapter 14.2, Article 3, Section 45.1-161.37.A, General Coal Miner Certification 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.38A DM Chapter 14.2, Article 3, Section 45.1-161.38.A, First Class Mine Foreman Certification 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.57A DM Chapter 14.2, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.57.A, License Required for Operation of Coal Mines 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.63 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.63.B.C, Notices to Department; Resumption of Mining Following Discontinuance 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.77 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 7, Section 45.1-161.77.A, Reports of Explosions and Mine Fires 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.78 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 7, Section 45.1-161.78.A, Operator's Reports of Accidents; Investigations; Reports by Department 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.8 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 1, Section 45.1-161.8, Definitions, Accidents 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.83 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 8, Section 45.1-161.83, Review of Inspection Reports and Records 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.84 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 8, Section 45.1-161.84.A, Advance Notice of Inspections; Confidentiality of Trade Secrets 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.85 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 8, Section 45.1-161.85.A, Scheduling of Inspections 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.8A DM Chapter 14.2, Article 1, Section 45.1-161.8, Definitions, Operators 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.8B DM Chapter 14.2, Article 1, Section 45.1-161.8, Surface Coal Mine and Underground Coal Mine 4/10/2000 
DM-G-161.90 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 9, Section 45.1-161.90.A, Notices of Violation 4/15/2004 
DM-G-MED DM Mine Emergency Directory 4/1/2002 
DM-M-05-05 DM Operator Memorandum DM-05-05 Accident and Fatality Reports 9/7/2005 
DM-M-05-08 DM Operator Memorandum 05-08 Surface Mine Maps 11/16/2005 
DM-M-06-03A DM Operator Memorandum 06-03A Emergency Response Plans (memo) 4/4/2006 
DM-M-06-03B DM Operator Memorandum 06-03B Generic Emergency Response Plan 4/4/2006 
DM-M-06-03C DM Operator Memorandum 06-03C Self Contained Self Rescuer Outby Storage Plan 4/4/2006 
DM-M-06-03D DM Operator Memorandum 06-03D Mine Emergency Evacuation and Firefighting Program of Instruction 4/4/2006 
DM-M-06-03E DM Operator Memorandum 06-03E Mine Emergency Scenarios template 4/3/2006 
DM-M-06-03F DM Operator Memorandum 06-03F Mine Emergency Addendum to Existing Training Plan 4/4/2006 
DM-M-06-06 DM Operator Memorandum 06-06 Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax Credit Production Labor Report 10/12/2006 
DM-M-06-07 DM Operator Memorandum 06-07 Alternative Seal Designs 10/12/2006 
DM-M-07-04 DM-07-04 Map Submittal 7/1/2007 
DM-M-08-01 DM Operator Memorandum DM-08-01 Mine Incident Response, Rescue, and Recovery Plan 1/17/2008 
DM-MOU-01-03 DM Fatal Mine Accident Investigations 1/3/2003 
DM-MOU-01-03-2 DM Inspection Coordination 1/1/2003 
DM-MOU-09-97 DM Memorandum of Agreement (Small Mine Assistance Trng) 9/1/1997 
DM-P-1.03.01 DM Procedure No. 1.03.01, Emergency Response Team 1/1/1999 
DM-P-1.03.02 DM Procedure No. 1.03.02, Rescue and Recovery Plan 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.04.05 DM Procedure No. 1.04.05, Spot Inspection 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.04.07 DM Procedure No. 1.04.07, Independent Contractors 1/1/1997 
DM-P-1.04.09 DM Procedure No. 1.04.09, Administrative Review of Notices of Violation 1/1/1997 
DM-P-1.04.10 DM Procedure No. 1.04.10, Impoundment Inspections 7/18/2001 
DM-P-1.05.01 DM Procedure No. 1.05.01, Investigation of Accidents and Incidents 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.05.02 DM Procedure No. 1.05.02, Inundation of Water and Gas 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.05.03 DM Procedure No. 1.05.03, Methane Ignition 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.05.04 DM Procedure No. 1.05.04, Serious Personal Injury 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.05.06 DM Procedure No. 1.05.06, Unlicensed Mine Sites 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.05.09 DM Procedure No. 1.05.09, Investigation Documents File 5/3/1999 
DM-P-1.06.01 DM Procedure No. 1.06.01, Plan Approvals 9/1/2002 
DM-P-1.06.02 DM Procedure No. 1.06.02, Map Submittals 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.07.01 DM Procedure No. 1.07.01, Technical Instruction 1/29/1999 
DM-P-1.07.03 DM Procedure No. 1.07.03, Training and Accident Reduction 1/9/1999 
DM-P-1.09.02 DM Procedure No. 1.09.02, Recertification Requirements 1/1/1997 
DMLR--MOU-05-97 DM/DMLR Memorandum of Agreement, Refuse Piles, Water and Silt Retaining Dams 5/29/1997 
DMLR-MOU-01-97 DM Memorandum of Agreement DM/DMLR (BLASTING) 1/7/1997 
DMLR-MOU-09-00 DM/DMLR Memorandum of Understanding, Reclamation Activities at Previously Licensed Coal Mine Sites 9/1/2000 
DMLR-MOU-10-98 DM Memorandum of Understanding Between the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Divisions of Mined Land Reclamation and Mines and the U.S. Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration District 5 Norton, Virginia 12/5/2002 
DMLR-P-1.2.01 DMLR Procedure No. 1.2.01, Threatening, Abusing or Impeding a Division Employee 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.6.01 DMLR Procedure No. 3.6.01, Certification of Pollution Control Equipment 3/12/1997 
DMM-M-02-15 Mineral Mining Electrical Repairman Certification 8/1/2015 
DMME-FOIA Responding to Requests for Information 5/29/2015 
DMME-MMP-SMMP State Minerals Management and Subaqueous Plans 7/1/2007 
BOARD: Department of Energy
5861 Final uniform statewide financial underwriting guidelines for clean energy loans made by localities under §15.2-958.3 of the Code of Virginia 12/1/2015 
6454 Post-Drilling Water Analysis Evaluation Standards * 12/19/2018 
DGO-G-1 Acceptable forms of alternative documentation that may be accepted in lieu of a cement bond log for the water protection string * 12/28/2016 
DGO-G-12-02 DGO Landfarming Guidance Document * 12/1/2002 
DGO-G-2 Bonding and Additional Financial Security Requirements Applicable to Wells Drilled in Tidewater Virginia * 12/28/2016 
DGO-G-3 Fluid Reuse and Recycling * 8/30/2017 
DGO-MOU-06-01 DGO Safety MOU between DMME and DOLI * 6/1/2001 
DM-10-01 DM Operator Memorandum DM-10-01 Mine Incident Response, Rescue and Recovery Plan 1/13/2010 
DM-11-05 Roof Bolter Mounted Cooling Fans * 11/8/2011 
DM-14-02 Surface First Aid Supplies * 7/29/2014 
DM-14-04 Definition of Serious Person Injury * 8/1/2014 
DM-C-AEO DM Automatic Elevator Operator Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-AFA DM Advanced First Aid Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-AFAI DM Advanced First Aid Instructor Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-BCMEi DM Board of Coal Mining Examiners Instructor Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-CES DM Chief Electrician (Surface) Certification Requirements * 4/10/2001 
DM-C-CESU DM Chief Electrician (Surface and Underground) Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-DF DM Dock Foreman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-EMFS DM Electrical Maintenance Foreman (Surface) Certification Requirements * 4/10/2001 
DM-C-EMFSU DM Electrical Maintenance Foreman (Surface and Underground) Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-FCMF DM First Class Mine Foreman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-FCSSF DM First Class Shaft or Slope Foreman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-GCM DM Underground General Coal Miner Certification for Underground Mines and Surface Area of Underground Mines * 5/1/2003 
DM-C-GCM_ DM General Coal Miner Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-HE DM Hoisting Engineer Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-MI DM Mine Inspector Certification Requirements * 7/1/2001 
DM-C-PPF DM Preparation Plant Foreman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-QGD DM Qualified Gas Detection Certification Requirements * 11/26/2002 
DM-C-SB DM Surface Blaster Certification Requirements * 4/10/2001 
DM-C-SER DM Surface Electrical Repairman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-SF DM Surface Foreman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-SFF DM Surface Facilities Foreman for Shops, Labs, and Warehouses Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-SGCM DM Surface General Coal Miner Certification for Surface Mines and Auger Mines Training Manual * 5/1/2003 
DM-C-TP DM Top Person Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-UDEM DM Underground Diesel Engine Mechanic Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-UDEMI DM Underground Diesel Engine Mechanic Instructor Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-UER DM Underground Electrical Repairman Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-C-USF DM Underground Shot Firer Certification Requirements * 6/2/2008 
DM-G-161.128 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.128.B, Explosives and Blasting 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.158 DM Chapter 14.3, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.158.F, Hoisting 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.62 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.62.A&C, Licensing of Mines-Annual Reports 4/15/2004 
DM-G-161.64 DM Chapter 14.2, Article 5, Section 45.1-161.64.A, Licensing of Mines, Mine maps are required 4/15/2004 
DM-M-07-03 DM-07-03 Implementation of SB 1091 Changes to Coal Mine Safety Law * 7/5/2007 
DM-M-07-05 DM-07-05 Examination Fees * 7/25/2007 
DM-M-11-01 DM-11-01 - Mine Incident Response, Rescue and Recovery Plan 1/13/2011 
DM-M-11-06 Mine Incident Response, Rescue and Recovery Plan 11/22/2011 
DM-M-99-05 DM Operator Memorandum DM 99-05, Reciprocity Agreement With West Virginia * 5/7/1999 
DM-MOU-03-02 DM Comm of Va Coal Mine Electrical Certification/Qualification Program- Memo of Agreement 4/28/2002 
DM-MOU-05-01 DM Memorandum of Agreement between DMME's DM and West Virginia's DM Certification Reciprocity * 5/15/2001 
DM-P-1.04.01 DM Procedure No. 1.04.01, Inspection of Coal Mines 10/1/2003 
DM-P-1.04.02 DM Procedure No. 1.04.02, 5-Day Spot Inspection 8/1/2005 
DM-P-1.04.03 DM Procedure No. 1.04.03, Reopening Inspection 8/1/2005 
DM-P-1.04.04 DM Procedure No. 1.04.04, Regular Inspections 7/1/2007 
DM-P-1.04.06 DM Procedure No. 1.04.06, Risk Assessment 10/1/2003 
DM-P-1.04.08 DM Procedure No. 1.04.08, Smoking Articles Inspection 7/1/2007 
DM-P-1.04.11 DM Procedure No. 1.04.11, Surface Mine Inspection - Ground Control Plans * 2/1/2006 
DM-P-1.04.12 DM Procedure No 1.04.12 - DM/DMLR Inspection of “RZ” Mines * 9/16/2008 
DM-P-1.04.13 DM Procedure No. 1.04.13 - Substance Abuse 7/1/2007 
DM-P-1.05.05 DM Procedure No. 1.05.05, Unintentional Roof Falls 7/1/2007 
DM-P-1.05.07 DM Procedure No. 1.05.07, Safety Complaints 10/1/2003 
DM-P-1.05.08 DM Procedure No. 1.05.08, Blasting Complaints * 1/1/1997 
DM-P-1.05.10 DM Procedure No. 1.05.10, Safety Issues Involving Coal Mines and Gas Well Activities 8/1/2005 
DM-P-1.06.03 DM Procedure No. 1.06.03, Mining Near Gas Wells * 10/1/2000 
DM-P-1.07.02 DM Procedure No. 1.07.02, Small Mine Safety Service 1/29/1999 
DM-P-1.08.01 DM Procedure No. 1.08.01, Licensing 7/1/2007 
DM-P-1.08.02 DM Procedure No. 1.08.02, Licensing Through Initial Reclamation of Mine Sites 10/1/2003 
DM-P-1.08.03 DM Procedure No. 1.08.03, Requests Through the Freedom of Information Act 8/1/2005 
DM-P-1.08.04 DM Procedure No. 1.08.04, Other Requests for Assistance 8/1/2005 
DM-P-1.09.01 DM Procedure No. 1.09.01, Certification of Miners 8/1/2008 
DM-P-1.09.03 DM Procedure No. 1.09.03, Revocation of Certification * 1/1/1997 
DM-P-1.09.04 DM Procedure No. 1.09.04, Certification Requiring On Site Observation * 1/1/1997 
DM-T-D DM Diesel Engine Mechanic Instructor Manual * 5/1/2003 
DM-T-GDT DM Gas Detection Packet * 5/1/2003 
DM09-04 Virginia Substance Abuse and Quick-Test Screening * 11/2/2009 
DMLR-G-03-01 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 3-01, Permit Application/Priority Reviews * 12/12/2001 
DMLR-G-04-02 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 4-02, Approximate Original Contour Guidelines * 3/22/2002 
DMLR-G-06-03 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 6-03, Permit Fees * 5/12/2003 
DMLR-G-07-03 DMLR Guidance Memorandum, No. 7-03, Bond Reduction/Release Applications and Completion Reports * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-G-09-04 DMLR Guidance Memo - 9-04 - Requirements for Permit Transfer * 2/17/2004 
DMLR-G-10-05 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 10-05 Requirements for Haulroad Construction and Design * 3/4/2005 
DMLR-G-11-05 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 11-05 Ground Control Plan * 6/13/2005 
DMLR-G-12-05 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 12-05, Permit Signs and Markers * 8/22/2005 
DMLR-G-14-05 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 14-05 Watersheds with Adopted TMDLs * 11/23/2005 
DMLR-G-15-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 15-07 Potential Problem Discharges during Reclamation and Bond Release * 3/12/2007 
DMLR-G-16-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 16-07 Permitting and Bonding of Shared Facilities * 9/19/2007 
DMLR-G-17-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 17-07 Impoundments - Underground Mining * 10/16/2007 
DMLR-G-18-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 18-07 Completed Areas and DGO Permitted Operations * 10/16/2007 
DMLR-G-19-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 19-07 Acreage Amendments, Anniversary Reports, and Temporary Cessations * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-G-20-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 20-07 Permit Applications - Submittal of Corrections, Description of Attachments, and File Path Lengths * 11/28/2007 
DMLR-G-21-07 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 21-07, Submittal of Electronic Engineers Signatures and Seals for Maps, Drawings and Plans * 8/27/2008 
DMLR-G-22-08 DMLR Guidance Memo 22-08 Forestry Reclamation Approach * 2/1/2008 
DMLR-G-23-08 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 23-08, Revisions: Insignificant vs. Significant; Acreage Amendments; and Incidental Boundary * 6/24/2008 
DMLR-G-24-08 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 24-08, Clarification of “Depth to Water” for Ground Water Monitoring Wells * 5/9/2008 
DMLR-G-25-08 DMLR Guidance Memorandum No. 25-08, NPDES Permit and Anniversary Fees * 6/25/2008 
DMLR-G-26-09 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 26-09 Aquatic Species-Specific Protective Measures * 2/17/2009 
DMLR-G-26-09A Aquatic Species-Specific Protective Measures Guide to Permitted Coal Mining Activities in Virginia * 2/17/2009 
DMLR-G-28-09 GUIDANCE MEMORANDUM No. 28-09 Application Processing Time Limits * 9/24/2009 
DMLR-G-29-09 GUIDANCE MEMORANDUM No. 29-09 Roads - Maintenance and Fugitive Dust Control * 10/22/2009 
DMLR-G-31-10 Abandoned Mined Land Refuse/Gob Piles – Exploration and Recovery * 8/16/2010 
DMLR-G-36-11 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 36-11, Coal Removal from Government Financed Projects * 9/9/2015 
DMLR-G-37-12 DMLR Guidance Memorandum 37-12, Joint Mining and Monitoring Permits - Public Participation * 9/9/2015 
DMLR-G-AMLWPR DMLR Abandoned Mined Land Water Project Review Manual * 7/1/2007 
DMLR-G-APA DMLR Virginia Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation Permanent Regulatory Program, Administrative Hearings Procedures * 3/17/2008 
DMLR-G-BIO DMLR- Biosolids Use Guidelines * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-G-BOND DMLR Virginia Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation Permanent Regulatory Program, A Guide to Bond Reduction/Release * 12/1/2002 
DMLR-G-CCB DMLR- Coal Combustion By-Products Guidelines * 7/17/2008 
DMLR-G-EP DMLR General Instructions for Electronic Appplication Preparation * 8/14/2002 
DMLR-G-GFC DMLR- Government Financed Construction Guidelines * 6/1/2005 
DMLR-G-WRSR DMLR Guide to Water Replacement and Subsidence Repair * 12/1/2002 
DMLR-M-1-90 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 1-90, Baseline Hydrologic Data Requirements (PHC Assessment) * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-11-82 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 11-82, Archaeological Sites or Historic Places * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-11-94 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 11-94, Public Notice and Comment Periods * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-12-94 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 12-94, Application (Corrections) Submittal; Anniversary Fees * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-13-86 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 13-86, Application Processing Time Limit * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-2-85 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 2-85, Confidential Information * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-2-91 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 2-91, Cost Bond--Long Term Facilities * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-2-95 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 2-95, Coal Combustion By-Products Guidelines * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-27-09 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 27-09, Electronic Permitting, Digital Mapping Guidelines 10/1/2009 
DMLR-M-3-83 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 3-83, Certificates of Deposit * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-3-89 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 3-89, Filing Application-- Public Participation Process * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-3-90 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 3-90, Standardized Reporting Form (Quarterly Acid-Base Monitoring) * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-3-92 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 3-92, Updating Ownership and Control Info * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-3-98 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 3-98, Permit Streamline Procedures * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-3-99 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 3-99, Groundwater Monitoring Frequency * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-31-10 Abandoned Mined Land Refuse/Gob Piles - Exploration and Recovery * 8/23/2010 
DMLR-M-34-11 Guidance Memorandum 34-11 Groundwater Monitoring of Fill Underdrains * 2/1/2011 
DMLR-M-35-11 Receipt of Electronic Correspondence from the Agency 4/1/2011 
DMLR-M-4-84 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 4-84, Permit Renewals * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-4-85 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 4-85, Notice of Effluent Non-Compliance Reports * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-4-98 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 4-98, Remining Incentives * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-5-84 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 5-84, Reclamation Fees * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-5-93 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 5-93, Contractor Information in Public Notices * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-5-95 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 5-95, Highwall Settlement Guidelines * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-6-88 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 6-88, Waiver to Mine Within 300 Feet * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-6-95 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 6-95, Biosolids Use Guidelines * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-7-92 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 7-92, Public Notices * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-7-94 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 7-94, NPDES Monitoring and Reporting Requirements * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-8-82 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 8-82, Air Pollution Control Plan * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-8-85 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 8-85, NPDES Enforcement Policy * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-8-92 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 8-92, NPDES Permits/StormWater Discharge * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-9-89 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 9-89, Mining Operations Near Facilities * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-9-92 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 9-92, DMLR Blasters Endorsement Certification * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-M-9-93 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 9-93, Company Structure Master File * 10/1/2001 
DMLR-M-9-98 DMLR Memoranda to Operators No. 9-98, Permit Streamline Procedures - Forms * 4/21/2008 
DMLR-MOU-10-02 DMLR 11/7/2008 
DMLR-P-1.1.01 DMLR Procedure No. 1.1.01, Training Events 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-1.2.02 DMLR Procedure No. 1.2.02, Hazardous/Toxic Waste Reporting * 9/25/2006 
DMLR-P-1.2.03 DMLR Procedure No. 1.2.03, Work Hours and Reporting 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-1.2.04 DMLR Procedure No. 1.2.04, Mailing Administrative Decisions 9/10/2007 
DMLR-P-2.1.03 DMLR Procedure No.2.1.03, Unpermitted/Exempted Sites * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.1.04 DMLR Procedure No. 2.1.04, Exemption for Extraction of Coal When it is Incidental to Extraction of Other Minerals * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.1.06 DMLR Procedure No. 2.1.06, Exemptions for Government Financed Projects * 6/20/2005 
DMLR-P-2.2.01 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.01, Permit Review Quality and Completeness Check * 10/7/2002 
DMLR-P-2.2.02 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.02, Confidentiality of Permit Application Information * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.2.03 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.03, Proof of Application Filing * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.2.04 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.04, Application Processing Time Limit * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.2.05 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.05, Applicant Violator System (AVS) and Ownership/Control * 2/21/2007 
DMLR-P-2.2.05A DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.05A, AVS - O/C Investigations * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-2.2.06 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.06, Applications With Violations * 3/12/1997 
DMLR-P-2.2.07 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.07, Relinquishments * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-2.2.09 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.09, Name Changes on Applications * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-2.2.10 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.10, Mining Under State Boundaries * 8/17/2000 
DMLR-P-2.2.12 DMLR Procedure No. 2.2.12, Terms of Issuance (TOI) Terms of Approval (TOA) * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.3.01 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.01, Permanent Program--Revision Applications * 2/21/2007 
DMLR-P-2.3.02 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.02, Permittee--Official Changes * 3/12/1997 
DMLR-P-2.3.03 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.03, Anniversary Fees/Reports * 10/11/2005 
DMLR-P-2.3.04 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.04, Temporary Cessation * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-2.3.05 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.05, Midterm Permit Evaluation * 6/20/2002 
DMLR-P-2.3.06 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.06, Permit Renewals * 8/2/1999 
DMLR-P-2.3.07 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.07, Completion Letters * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.3.09 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.09, Bond Release * 8/2/2005 
DMLR-P-2.3.10 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.10, Permit Transfers, Assignment, or Sale of Rights * 3/12/1997 
DMLR-P-2.3.11 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.11 Ground Control Plans * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-2.3.12 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.12, Inspections of DM designated "RZ" sites * 8/2/2005 
DMLR-P-2.3.13 DMLR Procedure No. 2.3.13, Performance Bond Review and Approval * 8/16/2007 
DMLR-P-2.4.01 DMLR Procedure No. 2.4.01, Checks Returned for Non-Payment * 3/6/1997 
DMLR-P-3.1.01 DMLR Procedure No. 3.1.01, Daily Reports 2/21/2007 
DMLR-P-3.1.03 DMLR Procedure No. 3.1.03, Monthly/Quarterly Reports 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.1.04 DMLR Procedure No. 3.1.04, Radio Contact 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.1.05 DMLR Procedure No. 3.1.05, Photographic Documentation 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.1.06 DMLR Procedure No. 3.1.06, Citizen Complaint Investigation * 9/23/2005 
DMLR-P-3.3.01 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.01, Permanent Program (Chapter 19) Enforcement and Inspection Procedures * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-3.3.02 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.02, Numbering & Encoding Reports- Enforcement Action 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-3.3.03 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.03, Approving Regrading * 9/26/2002 
DMLR-P-3.3.04 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.04, Water Rights and Replacement * 10/1/1998 
DMLR-P-3.3.05 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.05, NPDES Permits * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.3.06 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.06, Coal Exploration * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.3.07 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.07, Certification of Ponds, Roads, Fills and Stream Channel Diversions * 2/26/2003 
DMLR-P-3.3.08 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.08, Alternative Enforcement Action * 3/12/1997 
DMLR-P-3.3.09 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.09, Performance Bond Forfeiture * 2/11/2002 
DMLR-P-3.3.10 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.10, Show Cause Order and Permt Suspension/Revocation * 2/11/2002 
DMLR-P-3.3.11 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.11, Operations on Federal Lands (USFS -- Federal Land Management Agency) * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.3.12 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.12, Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund (Pool Bond Fund) Tax Reporting/Payment * 2/27/2002 
DMLR-P-3.3.13 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.13, Third Party Disturbances of Reclaimed Sites * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-3.3.14 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.14, Certificate of Liability Insurance * 8/18/2000 
DMLR-P-3.3.15 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.15, Temporary Structures * 9/26/2002 
DMLR-P-3.3.16 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.16, Sediment Pond Effluent limits * 4/4/2003 
DMLR-P-3.3.17 DMLR Procedure No. 3.3.17 Tree Planting * 8/30/2005 
DMLR-P-3.3.18 DMLR Procedure 3.3.18 Road Maintenance -Fugitive Dust Control * 10/22/2009 
DMLR-P-3.3.19 Inspector Receipt, Review and Processing of Permit Materials * 9/9/2015 
DMLR-P-3.4.01 DMLR Procedure No. 3.4.01, Suspension and Revocation of DMLR Blaster Endorsement Certification * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.5.01 DMLR Procedure No. 3.5.01, Bond Forfeiture Reclamation * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-3.7.01 DMLR Procedure No. 3.7.01, CSMCRA/Clean Water Act Violations- Settlement Agreements * 8/2/2005 
DMLR-P-4.01.04 DMLR Procedure No. 4.01.04 AML Enhancement Projects * 9/9/2015 
DMLR-P-4.01.06 DMLR Procedure No. 4.1.06 AML Procedure Guidelines * 9/9/2015 
DMLR-P-4.01.07 DMLR Procedure No. 4.1.07 Invoice Processing * 9/9/2015 
DMLR-P-4.1.01 DMLR Procedure No. 4.1.01, Reclamation Project--Eligibility * 4/17/2006 
DMLR-P-4.1.02 DMLR Procedure No. 4.1.02, Realty Procedures * 6/1/2005 
DMLR-P-4.1.03 DMLR Procedure No. 4.1.03, AMLIS Data Entry * 8/2/2005 
DMLR-P-4.1.05 DMLR Procedure No. 4.1.05, AML Contract Provisions, Ground Control Plan * 4/27/2006 
DMLR-SRP DMLR State Reclamation Plan * 9/1/1999 
DMLR-T-CPA DMLR Civil Penalty Assessment Manual * 4/17/2006 
DMM Op Manual DMM - Mineral Mine Operator's Manual * 4/6/2007 
DMM-C-B DMM Certification Requirements for Blaster * 3/1/2001 
DMM-C-E DMM Mineral Mine Electrician Certification * 5/1/2003 
DMM-C-F DMM Certification Requirements for Foreman * 9/1/2001 
DMM-C-SBF DMM Surface Blaster Certification Student Guide * 3/1/2001 
DMM-C-SF DMM Surface Foreman's Certification Study Guide * 3/1/2002 
DMM-C-SUFB DMM Board of Mineral Mining Examiners Certification Requirements (Summary Sheets) * 9/1/2001 
DMM-G-06-96 DMM Operators Memorandum: Transferability of Mineral Mining Permits * 6/28/1996 
DMM-G-EAE DMM Excavation Activity Evaluation Chart * 2/20/1991 
DMM-G-ETP DMM Education and Training Plan for Mineral Mining * 1/1/1996 
DMM-G-MERR DMM Mineral Mine Emergency, Rescue and Recovery Plan * 10/20/2009 
DMM-G-OLAC DMM By-Laws of Orphaned Land Advisory Committee * 6/14/2000 
DMM-G-OLP DMM Abandoned Mineral Mining Inventory Protocol * 6/1/2003 
DMM-M-01-05 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 01-05, Electronic Blast Detonator Systems * 3/28/2005 
DMM-M-01-08 DMM Communication Memoranda Nos. 01-08, 02-08, and 03-08 DMM e-Forms Center Enhancements * 8/11/2008 
DMM-M-01-93 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 01-93, Reclamation Schedule * 3/20/1993 
DMM-M-01-98 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 01-98 * 11/11/1998 
DMM-M-01-99 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 01-99 * 6/14/1999 
DMM-M-02-93 DMM Communication Memorandum 02-93 * 5/12/1993 
DMM-M-02-99 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 02-99 * 7/16/1999 
DMM-M-03-01-90 DMM Operator's Memorandum 03-01-90 * 3/1/1990 
DMM-M-03-99 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 03-99 * 7/16/1999 
DMM-M-04-08 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 04-08 Standardized Formatting of Paper Documents * 8/11/2008 
DMM-M-10-00 DMM Communication Memorandum No. 10-00 * 9/13/2000 
DMM-M-12-94 DMM Operators Memorandum - Mine Safety Maps * 12/9/1994 
DMM-M-93-01 DMM Operator Memorandum, Waste Materials Brought Onto Mine Sites * 1/25/1993 
DMM-M-C DMM Contractor Memorandum Regarding Annual Reports * 1/2/2003 
DMM-P-2.1 DMM Procedure No. 2.1, Operator Assistance * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.10 DMM Procedure No. 2.10, Closure Orders * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.11 DMM Procedure No. 2.11, Recommending Bond Forfeitures * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.12 DMM Procedure No. 2.12, Safety/Health/Reclamation Complaints * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.13 DMM Procedure No. 2.13, Blasting Complaint Investigations * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.14 DMM Procedure No. 2.14, Accident/Fire Investigations * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.15 DMM Procedure No. 2.15, Unlicensed MIne Sites * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.4 DMM Procedure No. 2.4, Inspections * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.5 DMM Procedure No. 2.5, Inspection Frequency; Safety * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.6 DMM Procedure No. 2.6, Inspection Frequency; Reclamation * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.7 DMM Procedure No. 2.7, Inspection Reports * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.8 DMM Procedure No. 2.8, Special Orders/Notices of Violation * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-2.9 DMM Procedure No. 2.9, Notice of Non-Compliance * 5/21/1997 
DMM-P-3.1 DMM Procedure No. 3.1, General Procedures for Reclaiming Orphaned Land Sites * 2/24/1998 
DMM-P-4.1 DMM Procedure No. 4.1, Relinqishments and Repermitting * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.10 DMM Procedure No. 4.10, Field Approval * 1/8/1996 
DMM-P-4.11 DMM Procedure No. 4.11, Initial Site Inspection * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.12 DMM Procedure No. 4.12, Mineral Mining Quarrying Schedule (Tonnage Report) * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.13 DMM Procedure No. 4.13, Permit Application Review * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.14 DMM Procedure No. 4.14, Hearing Procedure * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.15 DMM Procedure No. 4.15, Termination of License Requirement * 10/24/1995 
DMM-P-4.18 DMM Procedure No. 4.18, Contractor Information * 1/8/1996 
DMM-P-4.19 DMM Procedure No. 4.19, Confidential Files * 3/24/1997 
DMM-P-4.2 DMM Procedure No. 4.2, Permit Renewal and Progress Reports * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.20 DMM Procedure No. 4.20, Permit Transfers * 1/8/1996 
DMM-P-4.3 DMM Procedure No. 4.3, Additional Bond Required at Anniversary Time * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.4 DMM Procedure No. 4.4, Bond Reduction and Release * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.5 DMM Procedure No. 4.5, Completion Material/Permit Close-Out * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.6 DMM Procedure No. 4.6, Amendments * 1/8/1996 
DMM-P-4.7 DMM Procedure No. 4.7, Change in Operating Officials * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.8 DMM Procedure No. 4.8, Temporary Cessation of Surface Mines * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-4.9 DMM Procedure No. 4.9, Exemption for Extraction of Coal Which is Incidental to the Extraction of Other Minerals * 9/10/1991 
DMM-P-5.1 DMM Procedure 5.1, Training and Certification of Mineral Mining Industry Personnel * 9/12/2002 
DMM-P-5.2 DMM Procedure No. 5.2, Certification of Mineral Mining Industry Personnel by the Board of Mineral Mining Examiners * 9/1/2002 
DMM-P-5.6 DMM Procedure No. 5.6, Accident Reports and Posting * 9/12/2002 
DMM-P-5.7 DMM Procedure No. 5.7, Education and Training Plan and Service * 9/12/2002 
DMM-T-GMM DMM General Mineral Miner Training Course Guide * 3/1/2001 

* Document applies to one or more specific chapters and not to the board as a whole