Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Nursing
Regulations of the Board of Nursing [18 VAC 90 ‑ 20]    (Repealed)
Guidance Documents
Chapter Information
Description Establishes (1) qualifications for licensure and renwal of registered nurses, practical nurses, and clinical nurse specialists; (2)criteria for approval of nursing education programs; (3)criteria for a medication administration training program; and (4) criteria for certification of nurse aides.
State Authority Chapter 30 of Title 54.1
Federal Authority None entered
Text of Regulation Link to Virginia Administrative Code
Goals of Regulation 1) Achieve high ratings on Customer Service Satisfaction Survey for application process and renewal of licenses.
2) Ensure that educational requirements are sufficient to promote passage of the national licensure examination.
Meetings See all meetings (15) relating to this chapter.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Jay P. Douglas, R.N.  / Executive Director
Address: 9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23233-1463
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)367-4520    FAX: (804)527-4455    TDD: ()-
Current Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status

Past Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Amendment to name tag requirement Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 04/04/2018.
Acceptance of attestation of graduation from nursing education program Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 04/20/2017.
Continued competency for reinstatement and reactivation within one renewal cycle Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 02/10/2017.
Promulgate New Chapters 19 and 27 and Repeal Chapter 20 Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 02/24/2017.
Restricted volunteer license
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/02/2015.
Criminal background checks for applicants
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 01/01/2016.
Provisional licensure as a registered nurse Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 04/08/2015.
Addition of government agencies for approval of CE Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/16/2015.
Competency requirements for reactivation and reinstatement Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/16/2015.
Requirements for approval of nursing education programs Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 11/18/2015.
Training in medication administration vis gastrostomy tube Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 02/13/2015.
Correction of accrediting body name
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 11/20/2013.
Medication administration training Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/18/2014.
Regulatory reform changes Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 02/27/2014.
Continued competency requirements Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 08/01/2013.
Conformity with Nurse Licensure Compact rules Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 08/02/2013.
Grounds for disciplinary action for failure to report child or elder abuse Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 11/21/2013.
Elimination of prior licensure requirement for foreign-educated applicants Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/22/2011.
Increase in fees Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/06/2011.
Consistency with Compact rules on licensure Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/22/2011.
Requirements for foreign-trained nurses Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 01/06/2010.
Conforming to Compact rules Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/24/2009.
Workforce data collection
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/22/2009.
Address of record/public address and nametags
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/01/2009.
Licensure by endorsement; clinical experience Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/31/2009.
Restricted volunteer registration
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/23/2008.
Regulatory review Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 04/02/2008.
Inactive licensure Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 10/01/2007.
Correction of Code cite
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 03/17/2007.
Requirement for child abuse education
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Exempt action can be submitted directly to the Registrar.
Change in returned check fee
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 03/22/2006.
Implementation of Nurse Licensure Compact Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/27/2005.
Change in reinstatement requirements for conformity to law
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/13/2005.
Transfer of certain requirements from Chapter 20 to Chapter 25 Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 03/26/2005.
Periodic Review - education programs and other changes Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 09/08/2004.
Inrease in fees pursuant to HB1441 Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/01/2004.
Volunteer practice by out-of-state nurses Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 06/18/2003.
Advanced certification for certified nurse aides Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 04/09/2003.
Licensure of Canadian nurses
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/31/2002.
Workforce data collection Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 02/13/2002.
Practice of nursing by foreign graduates
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/18/2001.
Increase in fees Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 04/12/2000.
Delegation of nursing tasks to unlicensed persons Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 11/25/1999.
Requirements for nurse aide education programs
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/07/1999.

Withdrawn Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Review of requirements for clinical nurse specialists NOIRA Stage withdrawn on 03/21/2012 after the comment period had ended.
Nurse aide funding NOIRA Stage withdrawn on 05/10/2006 after the comment period had ended.
Transfer of requirements for advanced certification nurse aides from Chapter 20 to Chapter 25 Fast-Track Stage withdrawn on 11/19/2004 before DPB completed its review.

Periodic Reviews
Last Activity Status
10/16/2012 Agency Completed Amend
9/5/2007 Agency Completed Amend
9/1/2001 Agency Completed Amend