Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Public Comment Forum

On this Guidance Document (6968)

CLOSED     Opened on 1/4/2021 and Ended on 2/3/2021

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Comment Title Commenter
Support the Model Policy Wholeheartedly Robert Rigby, Jr., "FCPS Pride"  1/4/21  2:20 am
Please support this vital policy Josh Israel  1/4/21  6:34 am
Please support this policy Leigh Quarforth  1/4/21  9:15 am
Please support this policy Kendall Maximini  1/4/21  9:26 am
An Essential Policy Hilary Lee  1/4/21  9:28 am
Support from a School Counselor David Gorman  1/4/21  9:36 am
I support this policy Bernice McCormack  1/4/21  9:38 am
It’s about time! Anna-Marie York  1/4/21  9:42 am
A long overdue policy Christopher J. Cuevas, Equity Consultant  1/4/21  9:46 am
100% support Meaghan Hackney  1/4/21  10:09 am
I support this policy Zoe Padron  1/4/21  10:16 am
It is long overdue and so needed. This may save lives!!!!! Hillary Gerson-Krohn  1/4/21  10:24 am
Parent of a trans elementary student in Virginia Olivia Johnson  1/4/21  10:27 am
Please support this policy Jennifer Wiggins  1/4/21  11:11 am
I Support This!! Christopher Candice Tuck  1/4/21  11:31 am
My Full and Complete Support Sarah Harris  1/4/21  11:36 am
I am in FULL support of this policy! Lisa Rogerson  1/4/21  12:42 pm
Enthusiastic support for this policy! Liz Matthews  1/4/21  12:44 pm
I 100 percent support this. Julia Mills  1/4/21  1:04 pm
I support the Model Policy! Sarah Snow  1/4/21  1:14 pm
Support trans students and their families Geneva Cleveland  1/4/21  1:16 pm
I fully support this policy Anonymous (87943)  1/4/21  1:17 pm
I fully support this policy! Jen Steele  1/4/21  1:18 pm
I Fully Support this Guidance Marijean Oldham  1/4/21  1:31 pm
I support the draft guidance provided by the VDOE Anonymous (87948)  1/4/21  1:37 pm
Fully support! Jennifer Surratt  1/4/21  2:29 pm
Support Ann Hardman  1/4/21  2:33 pm
Fully support this document! Liz Carlson  1/4/21  2:38 pm
In support Mónica Socarrás , QLatinx  1/4/21  3:00 pm
100% endorsement and support Sherry Keenan  1/4/21  5:31 pm
Statement of support for the draft guidance provided by the VDOE Kelly Lindsay  1/4/21  5:38 pm
Fully support this policy, please implement without delay Susan Goldman  1/4/21  5:46 pm
I support this policy Adam Shubert  1/4/21  5:58 pm
Fully support the model policy Alix Tate  1/4/21  6:04 pm
I support this policy. Abra Frankel  1/4/21  6:09 pm
It's about time Stephanie Leasure  1/4/21  6:41 pm
A step forward - well done! David Dooley  1/4/21  7:08 pm
I fully support this policy Brianne Kirkpatrick  1/4/21  7:28 pm
Fully support! Logan Zeigler  1/4/21  8:29 pm
I wholeheartedly support this policy Mahzarine Chinoy  1/4/21  8:32 pm
I fully support this Anastasia Mazur, Arlington Public Schools Teacher  1/4/21  8:43 pm
This will save lives! Daniel Grahn, Arlington Public Schools  1/4/21  8:45 pm
Please and Thank you Inku Midoriya  1/4/21  8:53 pm
I do not support this policy Amanda Morris  1/4/21  9:11 pm
NO! Teresa Carver  1/4/21  9:14 pm
Support This Guidance! Amy Cobert  1/4/21  9:14 pm
Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools Deborah Mason  1/4/21  9:15 pm
Trans Complete Mechanical Cont.LLC  1/4/21  9:17 pm
VDOE, transgender policies. Bill Shirley  1/4/21  9:17 pm
Transgender student proposed guidelines John McCauley  1/4/21  9:19 pm
I do not support this. Doug MacDougall  1/4/21  9:19 pm
NO, I do not support anyone discussing transgenderism with my child. Deborah Mason  1/4/21  9:19 pm
This is a wrong Policy jim S  1/4/21  9:21 pm
Do Not Approve Mike Helsabeck  1/4/21  9:23 pm
Proposed guidelines are based on radical theories Anonymous (87986)  1/4/21  9:23 pm
Transgender police Floridalma Hernández  1/4/21  9:27 pm
I do not approve of this radical and dangerous policy. Do not confirm delusion of mind. Eric Josephs  1/4/21  9:27 pm
Hell NO?? Trish  1/4/21  9:28 pm
I do not aprove. Parents are the ones responsible for teaching their children about this subject. Calixto Said  1/4/21  9:28 pm
Using schools for indoctrination, not education Anonymous (87991)  1/4/21  9:29 pm
Proposed Transgender Policy Anonymous (87992)  1/4/21  9:31 pm
Discrimination Anonymous (87993)  1/4/21  9:31 pm
Please do not support this Anonymous (87994)  1/4/21  9:34 pm
Transgender policies David W  1/4/21  9:36 pm
guidance document/ treatment of transgender students Kara Craft  1/4/21  9:37 pm
Fleeting Mark Bowyer  1/4/21  9:38 pm
I do not support this guidance Vet asst  1/4/21  9:39 pm
Proposed transgender policies Kathryn H  1/4/21  9:41 pm
Absolutely Not Kristin  1/4/21  9:41 pm
Transgender Policy F. Blake  1/4/21  9:42 pm
Opposition to draft model policy re transgender students Mary Rephlo  1/4/21  9:46 pm
Opposition to VDOE proposed guidelines Lewis A. Kellison, Jr.  1/4/21  9:47 pm
I do not approve. Michael Reynolds  1/4/21  9:47 pm
do NOT support this policy! Anonymous (88005)  1/4/21  9:47 pm
Please DO NOT pass this dangerous delusional policy Ina  1/4/21  9:50 pm
Misguided "guidance" Kathy Shaibani  1/4/21  9:50 pm
Transgender policies in schools Barbara Mirus  1/4/21  9:50 pm
These new rules are a distortion to the truth. Abril Herrold  1/4/21  9:52 pm
Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools Mandy H  1/4/21  9:52 pm
Against transgender policy Paula Madigan  1/4/21  9:53 pm
I Do Not Support This - Gender Dysphoria is a disorder Anonymous (88012)  1/4/21  9:54 pm
NO to the proposed new Dept of Ed policies Erin Martin  1/4/21  9:54 pm
This transgender policy -- a travesty for students and staff! Amy Long  1/4/21  9:56 pm
No! No! No! Aimee Stine  1/4/21  9:57 pm
I do not support Anonymous (88016)  1/4/21  9:58 pm
No to the proposed transgender policy. Yes to kindness and respect. Beth G  1/4/21  10:02 pm
NOT in support of the indoctrination! Anonymous (88018)  1/4/21  10:07 pm
Policy Refernces One-Sided Victoria Catlett  1/4/21  10:08 pm
Transgender education is not the VA schools system responsibility. Parents have this right. David Hurley  1/4/21  10:10 pm
I SUPPORT THIS GUIDANCE Darcy Martoccia  1/4/21  10:10 pm
Terrible Idea Gary Porter  1/4/21  10:14 pm
DO NOT SUPPORT!!!!! Bill Thatcher  1/4/21  10:15 pm
I wholeheartedly disagree. This is not education A. Prater  1/4/21  10:17 pm
Not appropriate for schools Dan Bertuna  1/4/21  10:21 pm
I don't support this at all! Anonymous (88026)  1/4/21  10:23 pm
Policies are potentially dangerous and unworkable David Zimmerman  1/4/21  10:25 pm
Draft Gender Identity Guidance limits the rights of MOST students and adults Patrick Grandelli  1/4/21  10:26 pm
Not your right to mislead children Cindy L  1/4/21  10:27 pm
Thumbs down to the proposed gender identity policies Samuel Heywood  1/4/21  10:27 pm
Support Kelli C.  1/4/21  10:32 pm
Stop undermining and demonizing parents. Schools need to teach science, not feelings. Anonymous (88032)  1/4/21  10:33 pm
Very serious & potentially abusive proposals Concerned Commonwealth Citizen  1/4/21  10:34 pm
Gender identification guidelines Patty Lohrey  1/4/21  10:35 pm
I do not approve of the proposed guidelines based on radical theories that eradicate all distinction Holly  1/4/21  10:37 pm
Support Anonymous (88036)  1/4/21  10:38 pm
I SUPPORT THIS!! Anonymous (88037)  1/4/21  10:41 pm
Proposed transgender policies J. Wise  1/4/21  10:42 pm
Strongly disagree. This is sickening, weird, against God's laws and nature. Anonymous (88039)  1/4/21  10:43 pm
SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT Cisgender TransAlly  1/4/21  10:43 pm
(Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools Anna Catron  1/4/21  10:44 pm
New guidelines regarding transgender students Dana Robinson  1/4/21  10:49 pm
I approve of this guidance. Mike Martoccia  1/4/21  10:49 pm
I do not support these policies especially withholding information to parents Disclosing information to parents is WRONG  1/4/21  10:54 pm
do not approve Anonymous (88045)  1/4/21  11:01 pm
Oppose Policies for Treatment of Transgender Students Atwood Brooks  1/4/21  11:01 pm
SUPPORT! SO MUCH SUPPORT! ALL THE SUPPORT! Jasmin Miller  1/4/21  11:06 pm
Support Heidi D  1/4/21  11:10 pm
Very much against proposed guidelines Marie  1/4/21  11:17 pm
I am so grateful my children are past Dawn  1/4/21  11:18 pm
Do not support! Normal guy  1/4/21  11:18 pm
Virginia parent of 2 students in favor of proposed policy Deborah Schneider, parent of 2 Virginia students  1/4/21  11:20 pm
Absolutely oppose this policy. Stop trying to take the parent out of their children’s lives! Abbie  1/4/21  11:29 pm
I do not approve of the radical proposed Transgender guidelines Dr. Dawkins  1/4/21  11:30 pm
I SUPPORT THE GUIDANCE Kat Masterson  1/4/21  11:32 pm
Male and Female Chuck Hodges  1/4/21  11:36 pm
Dangerous, far reaching, violation of rights Holly  1/4/21  11:37 pm
No to Transgenderism Anonymous (88058)  1/4/21  11:41 pm
These policies demonize diverse thought and freedom Anonymous (88059)  1/4/21  11:52 pm
NO! NO WAY! NOPE! NEVER! Deborah  1/4/21  11:53 pm
Have you all COMPLETELY lost your minds?!!!! Anonymous (88061)  1/4/21  11:55 pm
I do NOT support the policy chages regarding transgenderism Anonymous (88062)  1/4/21  11:55 pm
Transgemder Employee  1/5/21  12:01 am
Unscientific Government Proselytizing Shannon Seiberlich  1/5/21  12:06 am
NO to ALL policies advocating transgender and undermining my God-given authority over my child . Heather M  1/5/21  12:07 am
Do NOT support this proposal Anonymous (88066)  1/5/21  12:21 am
No exceptions/accommodations for anyone who doesn't go along due to their religion=Discrimination A Concerned Christian Mother  1/5/21  12:23 am
Object to Transgenderism Richard O'Neill  1/5/21  12:59 am
Parents should never be excluded from any aspect of their child’s education, care or well-being Julie Hall, very concerned parent  1/5/21  1:03 am
Proposed Guidelines for transgender Mary Gregory  1/5/21  1:11 am
Strongly Disapprove Linda  1/5/21  1:11 am
Do not support! Michelle  1/5/21  1:44 am
I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THESE POLICIES!! Faith Mills  1/5/21  3:38 am
Transgender policy: this is child abuse. (Self)  1/5/21  5:08 am
I hotly disapprove of transgender indoctrination Timothy Buchanan  1/5/21  5:26 am
Very Strongly Disapprove James Koehr  1/5/21  5:30 am
I support this policy Andrea Rizzo  1/5/21  5:30 am
OPPOSE This Legislation John Yancey  1/5/21  5:40 am
Please do not pass the proposed guidelines for transgender students Beth Tubbs Ford  1/5/21  5:52 am
I do not approve of this policy. K. Gregory  1/5/21  5:53 am
Sick agenda Thomas v  1/5/21  6:00 am
This has the potential to harm many students. Please do not support! Reagan  1/5/21  6:00 am
Removal of federal government from state schools D Wallace  1/5/21  6:04 am
Transgender education policy NONE  1/5/21  6:18 am
Your attempt to protect the rights of one group severely limits the rights of others Mark Tinsley  1/5/21  6:19 am
There are male and female Patricia Ward  1/5/21  6:36 am
4. Parents who encourage their children to embrace their God-given sex would be..... Richard Ciofani  1/5/21  6:39 am
All students will be allowed to use any bathroom or locker room they choose, without being questione Richard Ciofani  1/5/21  6:43 am
oppose transgender policy Anonymous (88091)  1/5/21  6:44 am
STOP this MADNESS Rick B  1/5/21  6:45 am
VDOE draft model policies for the treatment of transgender students Gary Kohl  1/5/21  6:47 am
Confusion for All S L Cuddy  1/5/21  6:48 am
Transgender guidelines for public schools Donna DallaVilla  1/5/21  6:55 am
Transgender guidelines Anonymous (88096)  1/5/21  6:56 am
I support this John Gaul  1/5/21  6:59 am
I do not approve of this policy. Holly Degn  1/5/21  7:00 am
I do NOT approve. Anonymous (88099)  1/5/21  7:00 am
Thought Police Rachel  1/5/21  7:02 am
10 Reasons Why We Must REJECT This Policy Anonymous (88101)  1/5/21  7:04 am
This is stupid Anonymous (88102)  1/5/21  7:12 am
Policy guidelines on Transgender Students Eileen Bakke  1/5/21  7:12 am
draft model of proposed transgender policy Miles Akins  1/5/21  7:18 am
oppose transgender legislation Anonymous (88105)  1/5/21  7:20 am
This goes against nature, God and every human being Anonymous (88106)  1/5/21  7:22 am
I support this document Fran  1/5/21  7:22 am
Schools Transgender Policy Anonymous (88108)  1/5/21  7:25 am
Transgender issues I am a retired teacher, having taught Helen Magneson  1/5/21  7:27 am
Transgender policies Kendra Sheets  1/5/21  7:32 am
These policies can not work. Mike  1/5/21  7:33 am
transgender policies F.  1/5/21  7:34 am
Do NOT Support this EVER Mark Menotti  1/5/21  7:34 am
Save our schools Lisa  1/5/21  7:38 am
My right to exist Anonymous (88115)  1/5/21  7:40 am
DO NOT APPROVE Rena G  1/5/21  7:42 am
School Transgender Policy Jon U  1/5/21  7:43 am
Transgender Larry Allen  1/5/21  7:45 am
I support the model policy Shannon Doleski  1/5/21  7:47 am
VDOE Proposed Policies Anonymous (88120)  1/5/21  7:50 am
Remove this Extreme Policy that is Changing our Culture John Casserino  1/5/21  7:51 am
Unholy and against the Holy Bible Donald Spitz - Pro-Life Virginia  1/5/21  7:52 am
Transgender guidelines Sharon Kirk  1/5/21  7:53 am
Entitlement before maturity Kelly Klug  1/5/21  7:57 am
I OPPOSE this policy - Please reject it. Carol  1/5/21  7:58 am
Madness Jeanne M Irons  1/5/21  8:00 am
Gender Dysphoria D.H.  1/5/21  8:00 am
Transgender Barbara  1/5/21  8:02 am
Strongly Disapprove of Transgender policy DNorris  1/5/21  8:04 am
Do not approve VDOE Proposed Guidelines Kelly Cabana  1/5/21  8:05 am
Schools are not parents Aaron Taliaferro  1/5/21  8:06 am
Dissaprove of this policy Anonymous (88132)  1/5/21  8:10 am
This is child abuse Henry Bromley  1/5/21  8:11 am
Freedom of Speech? Aaron  1/5/21  8:12 am
I support the draft guidance. Dana Adams  1/5/21  8:14 am
God doesn’t make mistakes! Lisa Kratz Thomas  1/5/21  8:17 am
Transgender pronouns Beverly  1/5/21  8:18 am
Draft model policies for the treatment of transgender students Larry Simpson  1/5/21  8:23 am
I disagree/disapprove and am disappointed in this policy. Where are we headed as a city, co nation? Bishop Darryl Husband  1/5/21  8:24 am
Do not approve Anonymous (88141)  1/5/21  8:29 am
Draft model policies for the treatment of transgender students Sheran Rigg  1/5/21  8:33 am
Disapprove of Transgender school policy proposals Pamela Bishop  1/5/21  8:35 am
Strongly Do Not Approve of Transgender Policies Concerned Cititzen  1/5/21  8:39 am
School transgender policies Gary embrey  1/5/21  8:41 am
Transgender Students nonsense Melody CHellis  1/5/21  8:42 am
A Concerned Virginia Citizen A Concerned Virginia Citizen  1/5/21  8:46 am
Transgender John Lewis  1/5/21  8:49 am
Do not support, too much power to schools/government, dangerous precedent Cheryl  1/5/21  8:50 am
NO, I DISAGREE FULLY Anonymous (88150)  1/5/21  8:51 am
I strongly disagree Linda Fair  1/5/21  8:56 am
Do not approve Marcy  1/5/21  8:57 am
Policies for the treatment of transgender students Phong Nguyen  1/5/21  8:58 am
Transgender Legislation Anita Zimmerman  1/5/21  8:59 am
I do NOT support! Seth Houser  1/5/21  9:02 am
Forced Speech Concerned citizen  1/5/21  9:02 am
Please not not approve this - horrible policy Joe Carley  1/5/21  9:03 am
Transgender Policies Donna Lauderdale  1/5/21  9:03 am
VDOE draft model policies for the treatment of transgender students Ronald Spanton  1/5/21  9:04 am
Violation of God Created order Chuck Robb  1/5/21  9:06 am
Policy for Transgendered Students Kathleen Cantwell  1/5/21  9:09 am
Strongly disapprove of the Transgender draft policies being presented Richard Spencer  1/5/21  9:09 am
Transgender Policies Rick Brown  1/5/21  9:10 am
Disapprove Anonymous (88164)  1/5/21  9:11 am
Do Not Approve Proposed Transgender Guidelines Julie Keenan  1/5/21  9:11 am
I do NOT approve of these regulations. Anonymous (88166)  1/5/21  9:11 am
Illogical, unscientific, a set up for teacher abuse by trans students Steve  1/5/21  9:13 am
Stay out of the family-Do Not Approve Anonymous (88168)  1/5/21  9:14 am
Transgender Policy Marlin Sharp  1/5/21  9:17 am
I do NOT support this Anonymous (88170)  1/5/21  9:23 am
Disapproval of transgender policies. Ann Haymes  1/5/21  9:23 am
Transgender Policies Anonymous (88172)  1/5/21  9:24 am
Do Not Approve Proposed Transgender Guidelines Angie Johnson  1/5/21  9:24 am
DO NOT support Anonymous (88174)  1/5/21  9:24 am
DO NOT APPROVE transgener guidelines Patrice Smith  1/5/21  9:29 am
I do NOT support Amy Herrera  1/5/21  9:29 am
Do not approve the transgender policy Esther Toppin  1/5/21  9:31 am
Indoctrination Anonymous (88178)  1/5/21  9:31 am
100% Support as a parent and human being Sam Harris  1/5/21  9:33 am
Transgender policies Joyce  1/5/21  9:33 am
Do not approve Anonymous (88181)  1/5/21  9:35 am
definitely oppose this...very harmful for all..transgender issue barb argoe  1/5/21  9:36 am
Reverse Discrimination Kathleen Jones  1/5/21  9:38 am
.How can professing educated people promote transgenderism? Crazy! Opal Morgan  1/5/21  9:41 am
Vehemently Disapprove of this policy Carl Russell  1/5/21  9:44 am
Transgender policies Charlie  1/5/21  9:46 am
Policies for the treatment of transgendered students Alice Roddy  1/5/21  9:47 am
NO Anonymous (88189)  1/5/21  9:48 am
Policies are not scientifically based-ridiculous Kristie Parkinson  1/5/21  9:49 am
Transgenderism: Why are we lying to our children? Boys are boys and girls are girls. Period. Anonymous (88191)  1/5/21  9:51 am
Do not support at any level Scott Jones  1/5/21  9:52 am
NO Margaret Tate Leftwich  1/5/21  9:55 am
Support Nola Miller  1/5/21  9:55 am
None of your constituents want this. Will you actually listen? Anonymous (88195)  1/5/21  9:56 am
Transgender polocies Mr Peters  1/5/21  10:00 am
I do not approve Concerned parent  1/5/21  10:02 am
Transgenderism will destroy the school system Quintin McClellan  1/5/21  10:03 am
Transgender "Pro-Nouns" Charles G  1/5/21  10:03 am
Wholeheartedly Support Jenny Turner  1/5/21  10:06 am
Sure, don't tell parents Rob  1/5/21  10:08 am
Objections To Policies Anonymous (88202)  1/5/21  10:11 am
I DO NOT SUPPORT Roanoke County Citizen  1/5/21  10:13 am
Stop this nonsense. Anonymous (88204)  1/5/21  10:16 am
I support these model policies. Leanne Fox  1/5/21  10:16 am
Please no approve these without religious faith exemption for student, teachers, staff David Pegram , RVA  1/5/21  10:16 am
Descent into Lunacy Paul Perrone  1/5/21  10:19 am
Opposed Elaine Hanger  1/5/21  10:20 am
I fully support this Guidance Document Sarah  1/5/21  10:21 am
Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools) L. Hackman  1/5/21  10:21 am
Incorrect Reference Material Used in Proposal Patrick Crawford  1/5/21  10:25 am
I DO NOT APPROVE Mallory Middleton-Neely  1/5/21  10:27 am
Do not approve BMC  1/5/21  10:30 am
Do NOT approve this policy Lauren Middleton  1/5/21  10:30 am
Not in favor S Carlson  1/5/21  10:30 am
Proposed policies for the treatment of transgender students Rhonda Cook  1/5/21  10:31 am
Transgender Policies in Schools Ronald D Ford  1/5/21  10:32 am
God's truth trumps all! Herbert Hentzen  1/5/21  10:33 am
" transgender" policies Anonymous (88219)  1/5/21  10:34 am
This is insane! James Wilson  1/5/21  10:36 am
NO Barbara  1/5/21  10:41 am
I Do Not Support Lanier Mayberry  1/5/21  10:41 am
Policy Gone Wrong Bob Lawrence  1/5/21  10:42 am
Guidelines for treatment of transgender students Anonymous (88225)  1/5/21  10:43 am
Vile and outrageous A concerned grandmother  1/5/21  10:43 am
Support!! Emmi  1/5/21  10:47 am
Transgender Policies Charles Bias  1/5/21  10:49 am
DISGUSTING Anonymous (88229)  1/5/21  10:51 am
Do not support this policy that denies basic biology and criminalizes those who stand for truth Julia Mabus  1/5/21  10:52 am
Do not support Shannon and Amy Tate  1/5/21  10:52 am
transgender acceptance New Beginnings Baptist Church  1/5/21  10:54 am
Do not approve Anonymous (88233)  1/5/21  10:57 am
I support the draft guidance provided by the VDOE Crista Kostenko  1/5/21  10:58 am
where is this country going?NO NO chris j Gulliver  1/5/21  11:02 am
Support 100% Anonymous (88236)  1/5/21  11:02 am
I do not approve Anonymous (88237)  1/5/21  11:02 am
I do not approve Anonymous (88238)  1/5/21  11:06 am
Completely and totally object to this misguided and harmful policy Danielle Doane  1/5/21  11:09 am
Politically correct transgender policies Flora FOCER  1/5/21  11:09 am
Irreversably damaging policy for our children and country Kathy  1/5/21  11:10 am
100% against this! Please do not support! concerned citizen  1/5/21  11:10 am
Completely against this Anonymous (88243)  1/5/21  11:10 am
Unnatural and harmful to normal child development Healthcare provider  1/5/21  11:13 am
I approve Patricia Palmer  1/5/21  11:14 am
Transgender School Policy Amy Thomason  1/5/21  11:15 am
Forces gender ideology on those who disagre with it and fails to protect students and parents Robert  1/5/21  11:16 am
I do not approve Gerald Bostock  1/5/21  11:18 am
Transgender Policy Robin Pavlosky  1/5/21  11:19 am
Support This Policy In Virginia and Everywhere Danielle Tinder  1/5/21  11:20 am
I do not approve of your proposed policy. Anonymous (88252)  1/5/21  11:23 am
Transgender Rights at the expense of everyone’s rights Kayla Buchanan  1/5/21  11:24 am
Transgender policies Mary-Jean P Hale  1/5/21  11:24 am
I support this guidance Carlene Hudgens  1/5/21  11:27 am
Support Samantha  1/5/21  11:27 am
Concern Parent and Teacher Guadalupe M. Bowling  1/5/21  11:28 am
100% Support - this policy will save many lives FCPS School Counselor  1/5/21  11:28 am
DO NOT APPROVE! Robert Floyd  1/5/21  11:34 am
I support this. The hateful and ignorant comments here show it’s desperately needed. Lisa Dunick  1/5/21  11:35 am
DO NOT SUPPORT Letha Marshall  1/5/21  11:37 am
I do not approve Sylvia  1/5/21  11:37 am
100% DISAPPROVAL H. A. Strickland  1/5/21  11:37 am
Opposed to proposed draft model policies for Transgender students Anonymous (88264)  1/5/21  11:38 am
Transgender policy Rebecca Taylor  1/5/21  11:42 am
I have read it and I am fine with it. James Hekel  1/5/21  11:42 am
Oppose....This severely hurts the ones that it is intended to help. The irony is undeniable. Erin  1/5/21  11:44 am
I’m for it. Upshur Whittock  1/5/21  11:45 am
Disapprove Anonymous (88270)  1/5/21  11:48 am
Oppose VDOE Proposed Guidelines Anonymous (88271)  1/5/21  11:48 am
Transgender issues... Michael Sciacca  1/5/21  11:48 am
100% oppose this L. Harrell  1/5/21  11:49 am
draft of treatment of transgender Hunnel  1/5/21  11:49 am
Strongly Disapprove of Proposed "Transgender" Policies Robert Bradshaw  1/5/21  11:55 am
Gobbledegook Ann F  1/5/21  11:57 am
Let's support our students in any way we can Sara L Martin  1/5/21  11:58 am
VDOE Disapprove 100% Shirley Stokes  1/5/21  11:58 am
Transgender rights Roberta Williamson  1/5/21  12:00 pm
Do NOT Support Joanna  1/5/21  12:12 pm
I oppose this bill. I want to know what is going on in my children’s school and being taught. Anonymous (88282)  1/5/21  12:13 pm
Opposed Erica Bohr  1/5/21  12:13 pm
Virginia School Transgender Polices: DONT DO IT R.Cress  1/5/21  12:22 pm
I Do Not Support Charles H.  1/5/21  12:22 pm
Gender identity CAN NOT be independent of biological sex. Stop the madness! Johnny Jones  1/5/21  12:27 pm
Document: Model Policies for the treatment of transgender students in VA's Public Schools/22.1-23.3 Mr. & Mrs. James Quattrocelli  1/5/21  12:27 pm
Oppose the Guidance Anonymous (88288)  1/5/21  12:31 pm
I DO NOT APPROVE OF YOUR POLICY Debra Starner  1/5/21  12:35 pm
100% support Product of the Alexandria Public School System  1/5/21  12:40 pm
Discrimination on Both sides Anonymous (88291)  1/5/21  12:41 pm
Government overreach and assault on parental rights Kristen Allen  1/5/21  12:41 pm
transgender policy Anonymous (88293)  1/5/21  12:43 pm
I do not approve of the proposed policy! A Normal Wife  1/5/21  12:44 pm
Transgender Dale Bennett  1/5/21  12:49 pm
Concern with Policy K. Thompson  1/5/21  12:49 pm
Concerned Garndparent-needs revision Patty, Grandparent  1/5/21  12:50 pm
Model Policy for the Treatment of Transgender Students Debbie Grossman  1/5/21  12:54 pm
Pronoun policy Ramona Weaver  1/5/21  12:54 pm
Disapprove of Trans Language Concerned Parent  1/5/21  1:00 pm
Draft Policies for Transgender Children Charles Perkins  1/5/21  1:00 pm
Disagree with Transgender proposal Anna  1/5/21  1:02 pm
This Policy Poses great Security and Safety Concerns for ALL. Gloria George  1/5/21  1:04 pm
I Support This Policy Susan Lewis  1/5/21  1:05 pm
This proposal promotes inequality - please ammend Mike, Educational Professional  1/5/21  1:09 pm
Why are you not following the Science? SPS  1/5/21  1:10 pm
NOT PART OF PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL CIRRICULUM _No responsibility to add policy definition Gloria George  1/5/21  1:12 pm
STRONGLY disapprove! Jeff  1/5/21  1:17 pm
I strongly oppose the VDOE proposed guidelines. Carol Leake, concerned citizen  1/5/21  1:18 pm
Violation of Public School Responsibilities _Remove statement Anonymous (88310)  1/5/21  1:19 pm
New transgender guidelines Former publ  1/5/21  1:20 pm
Transgender Policies Concerned grandparent  1/5/21  1:21 pm
Transgender proposed legislation Anonymous (88313)  1/5/21  1:25 pm
Policy in Violation of Federal & State requirements (Security issues for ALL) Gloria George  1/5/21  1:27 pm
transgender policies-horrified Sheila Richardson  1/5/21  1:29 pm
Transgender Lunacy Outraged Virginian  1/5/21  1:29 pm
Strongly oppose proposed transgender guidelines! Bill Parsons  1/5/21  1:30 pm
Children should not be pawns for government social experiments and power Victoria  1/5/21  1:31 pm
The proposed changes are contradictory Anonymous (88319)  1/5/21  1:33 pm
Oppose this Guidance Dcument Michael  1/5/21  1:33 pm
Remove statement - unclear, confusing, vague, violates DOE regulatory enrollment guidelines George  1/5/21  1:40 pm
Transgender Policies NLA  1/5/21  1:41 pm
Unnecessary and Irrelevant Steph  1/5/21  1:41 pm
STRONGLY OPPOSE THIS POLICY!!! Huber Parsons  1/5/21  1:41 pm
Totally disgusting, again hurting our most PRECIOUS resource, for less than 1% of society! Margaret  1/5/21  1:42 pm
Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools Anonymous (88326)  1/5/21  1:44 pm
Transgender policies Dean Dye  1/5/21  1:45 pm
Strongly Oppose Transgender Policies Monica Darnell  1/5/21  1:45 pm
TRANSDENDER CHANGES Irvin McMahan  1/5/21  1:46 pm
Is this what you want for your children/grandchildren? NO Christine Wingard  1/5/21  1:48 pm
100% Support Radhika  1/5/21  1:50 pm
Students DO NOT have the authority to Do What Ever they want - when they Feel like it in PUBLIC SCHO Michael  1/5/21  1:51 pm
Opposed to Transgender Policies - In Favor of Science and Safety for Boys and Girls - Children Grow Timothy Cox  1/5/21  1:53 pm
i support Calvin Ashley  1/5/21  1:55 pm
I 100% support this document Jessica Stover  1/5/21  1:59 pm
Student transgender and sexual identity Richard Hohos  1/5/21  2:01 pm
Oppose the new policies regarding transgender students JRR  1/5/21  2:01 pm
PUBLIC SCHOOL_ Students do not run the school. PERIOD George  1/5/21  2:02 pm
This is an incredible step, approve and pass this to protect kids from bigotry in schools! Allison  1/5/21  2:02 pm
Stop weaponizing speech Loudoun County Parent  1/5/21  2:04 pm
Transgender policy Matt  1/5/21  2:07 pm
Dangerous Policies Desiree Shaffer  1/5/21  2:08 pm
Do Not Support These Proposed Changes OnemoreSB  1/5/21  2:11 pm
Transgender policies Judith Applegate  1/5/21  2:12 pm
Parents have the legal right, via the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, 1974), GA  1/5/21  2:16 pm
100% Approve Emily Keenan  1/5/21  2:16 pm
Strongly support Liz Taylor  1/5/21  2:19 pm
How much $$$ has VA put aside for when they get sued into the dark ages for this dystopian garbage Ian Prior  1/5/21  2:19 pm
Looneyville Tonya  1/5/21  2:21 pm
Public School CAN NOT TAKE AWAY PARENTS RIGHTS and withhold information GA  1/5/21  2:23 pm
Model policies for the treatment of transgender students Michael Nichols  1/5/21  2:24 pm
security concern - Public School have to be accountable for ALL and know identity (pick one) Michael  1/5/21  2:27 pm
Model Policies for Transgender Students Keith Osterhage  1/5/21  2:29 pm
DISGUSTING - STOP RUINING OUR SOCIETY Bret Lansdell  1/5/21  2:31 pm
SAY NO WAY _ identity without any substantiating evidence (SECURITY CONCERN FOR ALL) MG  1/5/21  2:34 pm
I do NOT agree with these new policies,How is this even acceptable? a Concerned Citizen  1/5/21  2:34 pm
Proposed guidelines for Transgender in Schools Concerned Virginia Citizen  1/5/21  2:35 pm
Please don't make this mistake Jeff Keaton  1/5/21  2:39 pm
GENDER NEUTRAL LANGUAGE Patricia Stimrs  1/5/21  2:40 pm
REMOVE reference to "WISHES of a STUDENT" this is PUBLIC SCHOOL MG  1/5/21  2:42 pm
100% SUPPORT THIS POLICY Martha Danielson  1/5/21  2:43 pm
Transgender Policies Karen Mire  1/5/21  2:43 pm
Do NOT support! S Hernandez  1/5/21  2:46 pm
I strongly support these proposals Laura Potter  1/5/21  2:48 pm
Remove reference to T-Gender.... Be inclusive and remember others (overweight kids, disabled kids.. Gloria  1/5/21  2:49 pm
Transgender policies Anonymous (88367)  1/5/21  2:52 pm
Opposed Ed  1/5/21  2:53 pm
Your attempt to protect the rights of one group severely limits the rights of others - Echoed AM  1/5/21  2:58 pm
Gender is not binary Kristen Haines  1/5/21  3:00 pm
DO NOT SUPPORT Gloria George  1/5/21  3:00 pm
I oppose this disgraceful act. Ronald Pavlosky  1/5/21  3:01 pm
Model policies for the treatment of transgender students Carole B Wyncoop  1/5/21  3:02 pm
These policies will save lives Caitlin  1/5/21  3:04 pm
Transgenderism Jean  1/5/21  3:06 pm
I oppose Brenda Sutton  1/5/21  3:13 pm
Opposed to Flawed Model Policies Mary Hazzard  1/5/21  3:29 pm
Fully support the VDOE Guidance Document AS  1/5/21  3:29 pm
Beware of Identity Politics Dennis Smith  1/5/21  3:30 pm
proposed DOE guidance document Kent Stoneburner  1/5/21  3:32 pm
Completely unnecessary and dangerous Paul  1/5/21  3:39 pm
Parent of 3 Students Supports This Policy Melissa Kepler  1/5/21  3:42 pm
I support the draft guidance provided by the VDOE. Liza M  1/5/21  3:43 pm
Dept of Education/transgender Jean  1/5/21  3:44 pm
Fully support this guidance Mike  1/5/21  3:45 pm
Inclusive Policies Literally Save Lives Celia Stone  1/5/21  3:45 pm
Completely Wrong and completely confusing. Let's keep science and biology accurate. Jean  1/5/21  3:46 pm
I totally support this guidance. Harriet Hirsch  1/5/21  3:51 pm
I completely support this! Megan Burks  1/5/21  4:08 pm
This will endanger all children R Juárez  1/5/21  4:09 pm
Quit politicizing schools and concentrate on teaching students. Antonio E Esteve  1/5/21  4:09 pm
DNA Sherry  1/5/21  4:13 pm
?? Support this policy! ?? ?????? Jason See  1/5/21  4:15 pm
Concerned teacher and parent Anonymous (88395)  1/5/21  4:20 pm
Transgender AL  1/5/21  4:21 pm
I don't approve! Karen Goers  1/5/21  4:28 pm
support transgender students Kathleen Green  1/5/21  4:33 pm
DO NOT APPROVE THIS Anonymous (88399)  1/5/21  4:34 pm
I do not support TO  1/5/21  4:34 pm
Support! Anonymous (88401)  1/5/21  4:40 pm
Transgender BS Joe Hodgin  1/5/21  4:42 pm
Totally Disagree SA  1/5/21  4:42 pm
VDOE transgender policy Timothy Reese  1/5/21  4:48 pm
Proposed transgender policy. John Hinkle  1/5/21  4:54 pm
gender Anonymous (88406)  1/5/21  4:56 pm
Fully Support! Dustin Shuman  1/5/21  4:57 pm
School transgender policies Gretchen Stelling  1/5/21  4:59 pm
Education Equity Mavel Morales  1/5/21  4:59 pm
Transgender Proposal Charles Lane  1/5/21  5:00 pm
Support! Helen  1/5/21  5:11 pm
Oppose the new guidelines based on eradicating male/female distinctions Mary Meyer  1/5/21  5:12 pm
Support for bill regarding treatment of transgender students in Virginia Public Schools Peggi Johnson  1/5/21  5:18 pm
Wholeheartedly disapprove of the policy superseding parental authority, religious rights, and... Mrs. Manley  1/5/21  5:19 pm
Keep up the good work!! Kimberly Klaus  1/5/21  5:20 pm
Opposition to proposed transgender legislation tina held  1/5/21  5:23 pm
transgender students anonymous (88418)  1/5/21  5:24 pm
Dangerous and Unwarranted Jeffrey Cronheim  1/5/21  5:24 pm
The Wisdom of Man Without God Luther Wellons  1/5/21  5:25 pm
How far we have fallen!!! Check the plumbing!!! Chief One  1/5/21  5:25 pm
DO NOT APPROVE Anonymous (88422)  1/5/21  5:25 pm
I support this policy Lisa G  1/5/21  5:26 pm
I support this policy Jordan K  1/5/21  5:28 pm
Support for Trans* students Lyndele von Schill  1/5/21  5:30 pm
Educate / Don't Indoctrinate and Confuse! Michelle Hawthorne  1/5/21  5:34 pm
I support the Model Policy Rachel Gross  1/5/21  5:42 pm
Guideline document on transgender Anne  1/5/21  5:43 pm
Human Rights in Schools- YES Jen B  1/5/21  5:46 pm
Wonderful. In full support AN  1/5/21  5:47 pm
I support the proposed transgender policy Andrea Gross  1/5/21  5:49 pm
I oppose this kind of rule, it is against Natural Law. It es the climax of corruption and perversion Andrés A Lievano  1/5/21  5:49 pm
Transgender in Schools and Public Spaces Anonymous (88433)  1/5/21  5:53 pm
Let parents decide what is best for kids Anonymous (88434)  1/5/21  5:58 pm
UNACCEPTABLE & Dangerous Anonymous (88435)  1/5/21  6:00 pm
In support of VDOE to support transgender youth Ann Rohde Payes  1/5/21  6:03 pm

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