Action | Unprofessional conduct - conversion therapy |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/7/2019 |
The rate of gender desistance is high in virtually all studies of small children desiring to switch biological sex. The cause of this must be addressed, such as a child becoming an older sibling and wanting to become the same sex as the younger sibling to gain attention, or more seriously, identify if a child's behavior is the result of sexual abuse. The child should be treated as an individual, not encouraged to blindly embrace a delusion which contradicts the reality of fundamental genetic biology. As such, each case should be handled individually. The healing in therapy is to love oneself for oneself, not to become a new or altered person worthy of love.
"Gender fluidity" is a new term which is untested. It has never been so widely accepted in the history of this country. There is no proven or likely outcome of a patient from the time of acceptance of a new sex, to the point where the child grows to middle age, or parents his or her own children.