Action | Unprofessional conduct - conversion therapy |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/7/2019 |
Parents cannot change who their child is, regardless of what type of "therapy" the child is subjected to. Conversion "Therapy" is an attempt at brainwashing. It may temporarily mold a young mind into a warped sense of who they are in order for that child to gain approval and conditional love of the "therapists", family, religious people surrounding them, but we all know that brainwashing does NOT work in the long term. BAN CONVERSION THERAPY to save lives. One cannot convince another to be anything other than who they are! Could you be converted into something that you're not? No? Me neither! It we could convert people to be something else, someone would have done it long ago and we'd all be the same. No two people are the same nor should anyone try to convert anyone!