I support the proposed regulatory change to PA prescribing requirements for the following reasons:
PAs have individual DEA license numbers. The PA prescribing is responsible, not the collaborating physician. Should a pharmacist or patient have questions regarding the prescription, the prescriber/PA is the best contact.
PAs have pharmacology training. PAs are trained, licensed and credentialed to appropriately prescribe in Virginia.
PAs work in a variety of environments. Many EMRs prove difficult to navigate and add a note to the prescription with the collaborating physician name. This is cumbersome and delays care for the patient if the pharmacy must be called. Many hours on hold have been wasted. Requiring facilities to amend EMRs could be cost prohibitive.
The PA is the best point of contact for a prescription written by the PA. As an example, I have been contacted more than 24 hours after prescription submission. My collaborating physician referred the pharmacist back to me for information regarding an ADHD medication change. There was a drug shortage, and the family could not pick up the prescribed medication until resolution. This created much stress for the family, poor patient care and an unnecessary delay. I should have been the initial call.