Social Emotional Learning is imbedded into my role as a School Counselor in the state of Virginia. This document gives us the language to accompany the good work that is already being done to ensure that all of our learners are able to manage the complex social-emotional issues facing them throughout their K-12 years. I have worked in both high school and primary schools in this role and it is evident that our students need the support to navigate the challenges they are faced with on a daily basis. Our teachers are more than capable of supporting our SEL initiatives and with their help, we will be able to reach all students. These basic concepts help us to develop the whole child into a successful young adult ready to thrive in the workplace. At it's most foundational level these standards will help guide us in our work with the littlest learners as they strive to manage complex emotions in the midst of the daily academic demands placed on them.
I notice that some are concerned with these standards and believe that parents should be responsible for establishing these basic principles at home. I agree that parents play a big role in this, however, the students we work with in Virginia Public Schools come from a wide range of abilities, family backgrounds, and SES which puts some of our students at a disadvantage when attempting to socially engage with peers. Some of our students have such struggles with managing their emotions and behaviors that they become incapable of accessing the curriculum. Our job is not to "brainwash" or "indoctrinate" children, but to give them the tools to help them manage their emotions and become competent learners so they can be successful adults. I fully support this initiative and believe that educators play a vital role in supporting the Social-Emotional Learning needs of our public school students.