Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The 2020 Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 753 directing the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to develop guidance standards for social emotional learning (SEL) for all public students in grades Kindergarten through 12 in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Social Emotional Learning Standards were developed in collaboration with an SEL Advisory Committee, composed of educators, community leaders, agency personnel, and parents. The Virginia SEL Standards are aligned with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate and centered in equity. This intentional focus allows the Standards to explicitly teach the skills needed to be “life ready” and to create more equitable learning environments.
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5/26/21  9:55 am
Commenter: also a psychologist

contains additional politically driven ideology that is harmful to students, education, and society

This is not SEL. It contains aspects of SEL but additionally incorporates a politically driven ideology and critical theory. The standards in this proposed document, listed below, are not part of SEL. They are worked in as part of a subjective political ideology and critical theory that burdens the public school with deciding group identification, division of class/ race, how one should view others, morality, what is just/ unjust, what is fair/ unfair, prescribing of emotions and feelings, and how one should feel and react based on their prescribed group. 

Under this proposed document children will be taught and evaluated on their adherence to these imposed values. This is inappropriate and not the role of public school. And, who's value system is being imposed upon our children; who is deciding fair/ unfair, just/ unjust, what is biased, and what feelings and reactions one should have? Children are individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences. The school is not to decide how one is to interpret the world around them. It is the family's role to guide the child in navigating through the world. And, if the family is unable to do this, they must be supported, not through a curriculum, but through the individual needs of the child and family. SEL has positive concepts for development, but should not be part of curriculum. This proposed document absolutely should not be part of any curriculum. The following standards have no place in the curriculum for students at any grade level, and must be removed. They are politically driven and not part of an appropriate approach to true social and emotional learning. SoA1: Kb, SoA2: Ka, SoA1: 1-2b, SoA2: 1-2a, SoA2: 3-4a, SoA2: 5-6a, SoA2: 7-8a, SoA2: 7-8b, SoA2: 9-10a, SoA2: 9-10b, AoA2: 11-12a, SoA2: 11-12b

CommentID: 98763