Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/20/23  2:56 pm
Commenter: Concerned Parent

Parents as caregivers should be made permanent.

My son, age 5, is autistic and epileptic. For over a year, I had been incorrectly told that I couldn't be my son's personal care attendant. I couldn't find anyone who wanted to be his personal care attendant, and because I didn't have any help, my small business suffered. Sales went from a healthy level to nonexistent, and basic essentials became harder and harder to afford. I recently found out that I can, in fact, be his attendant. Because we need the income and I don't want my son to lose this benefit, I've become his full time personal care attendant. Now I've found out that it may end in November - who am I supposed to hire then if I already can't find someone? How are we going to afford groceries if I can't be his personal care attendant, but still don't have someone hired to take care of him so I can work on my small business?


Parents are the best option for caregivers for their children, period. We know our children best, and I can guarantee we take care of them better naturally because we *are* their parents. 

CommentID: 212635