It is appalling to take away respite care from parents. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ATTENDANTS!!! I have paid for for YEARS and I have only been able to find someone to help occasionally. Or part-time. If parents are forced to leave their jobs(like me, I was fired because my son’s attendant quit because he was too violent) and they have to care for their child. Taking away the much needed and desereved respite care is completely unfair. So we don’t deserve a break because we can only find those who will do respite/parent time care and we have to care for our children during the week!?! Keep in mind these are children who are either kicked out of daycare’s, or to medically needy to be in a daycare facility. I really wish you who have the power to make these decisions walked a mile in our shoes because you would see how completely inhumane these proposed regulations are. We are just families trying to survive and you cannot tell me that I don’t deserve respect when I have already sacrifice so much for my child’s well-being. Our mental health matters and by taking away respite care for parents who are caregivers, you are saying that our mental health and well-being doesn’t matter. It already is a kicked my pride and gut to not being working, but my sweet child needs someone and I will always out my child first. Please don’t do this to me and parents like me. Please. I promise you… I need it. We need it.