I have a transgender niece who is almost 7. She knew her persona was a girl starting very early, around age 3. However, she was not able to understand and verbalize it until a few years later. During that time she was not the happiest kid and just did not seem comfortable in her own skin. However, once she made the transition from being a boy a being a girl, she seemed to have found herself. She was so happy, cheerful and creative, everything that was already in her was able to come out and it was delightful to see. We all admire and love her so much just the way she is. And we care so proud of her: she was very brave and was able to recognize and pursue who she really is, something not all of us are able to do really. We are, at the same time, very concerned about possible difficulties, biases and prejudices that she might face throughout her life. All kids need our support in this life, but this is even more true for transgender kids. We as a society have the responsibility to try our best to fulfill the dreams of all kids. I support all guidance that recognize and implement transgender students’ rights and those that are written to create a healthy environment for them at school. There is nothing weird/unnatural about being transgender and it’s about time everybody understands this. New generations should grow up knowing they’ll be accepted whatever gender form they choose to be and kids who do not change genders should know that they can have happy friendships with their transgender friends. Transgender kids are our kids and transgender rights are human rights.