Action | Administration of sedation and anesthesia |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 9/5/2018 |
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to request a review and reconsideration of the restrictions being considered for Oral Conscious Sedation in the State of Virginia. The proposed restrictions of oral conscious sedation for Dental procedures will have a detrimental effect upon the access and success of Dental care. “One size does NOT fit all”...limiting dosing to a single dose without the assistance of nitrous oxide will cause many patients to simply not achieve the level of Sedation they require for even basic dental care. It is inconsiderate and cold-hearted to say to a fearful patient “that is all I can give will have to be brave from here.” Just as we would not perform general surgery upon a patient inadequately sedated, it is bad practice to do the same for an anxious, often damaged from previous bad experiences, patient. We will have a GREATER Dental health crisis on our hands if we cannot provide these patients the opportunity to receive adequate care. The teachers of Oral Conscious Sedation have gone above and beyond the requirements to teach and train dentists like myself to provide excellent service for fearful patients. They have research on their side. Unfortunate outcomes do happen, which require oversight and regulation...but to swing into an area of being the most restrictive on oral Sedation in all of the USA is not showing the State of Virginia Dentistry in the best light. We need to be courageous leaders bringing the best of dentistry to the community. Please reconsider this course and direction of action. Please do not allow singular interests or personal pride get in the way of safe dental practice for a whole class of patients in our communities. Thank you.