Action | Administration of sedation and anesthesia |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 9/5/2018 |
It appears to me that the proposal that is being recommended has not bee thought out very well and is not supported by sound data. Minimal sedation cannot be defined by an amount of drug; it is a state of consciousness. Some patients may take one amount and others may require a higher amount.. By setting a certain amount of drug you are hindering safety instead of promoting it. Adding hydroxyzine or N2O to triazolam allows us to use a smaller amount of triazolam. Futhermore if one cannot use multiple doses, one will just give the higher dose when it may not be necessary. I have researched the sedation emergencies in Virginia and cannot find anywhere when safe protocols are followed there have been a death. Yes, there are a few cases where there have been a problem but it was not due to an amount of drug but instead an underlying medical condition. The same thing could happen with other drugs we use including lidocaine. So why then is Virginia looking to have one of the most restrictive regulation? What politics is behind this? I have been doing oral sedation safely since 2001-2002. I have always been in agreement with regulations to promote safety but cannot support this one. I have always gone above the Board in what I provide. By this proposed regulation you are robbing many patients in receiviing the dentistry they would otherwise not get. Please rethink this. Thank you.