Hundreds of retail pharmacists in Virginia are required to work more than 12 continuous hours (often up to 14 hours) per day and a large percentage of them are not allowed to leave the pharmacy for at least a 30 minute meal break. The State Boards of Pharmacy in both West Virginia and North Carolina have regulations that limit shifts to 12 continuous hours and NC also requires that a pharmacist be allowed to take a 30 minute meal break after working more than 6 continuous hours. These regulations have been adopted in WV and NC to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and the health and welfare of their pharmacists. I am aware of no other retail profession where an employer can require an employee to work 14 hours consecutive hours per day, without a break. I support this proposed change to the Regulations Governing the Practice of Pharmacy in Virginia to establish a limitation on the number of hours a pharmacist can work continuously to 12, and a requirement for breaks during a 12 hour shift.