Welcome to Communist Russia/China/North Korea. This is the way their oppressive societies are run. Take the parents completely out of a child's life and make the "State" their parent. The inmates are running the asylum. Rather than giving them a valuable education in serious, challenging subjects, you are focusing on nothing but what a student wants to be called, his or her sexual identity. You are squandering these precious and short years by preparing these children to be self-obsessed, entitled, spoiled adults of the future who think they are the center of the Universe, and who are not prepared to face any difficulty, rejection, or struggle that will happen in their lives. You are not helping them. You are crippling them while making a mockery of the public school system. But most damaging, you are destroying the family unit, which the Bible states is the way for us to grow up nurtured and loved. Woe to you who are making these insanely stupid laws.