Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
Live-Ins are persons providing care who either live with the person receiving care in the care recipient's home or they have provided a home and live with the person they are providing care to. Due to legal and contractual purposes, Live-Ins must be identified upon intake, because they receive IRS titled "Difficulty of Care" payments.
DMAS has two fiscal agencies (payroll) that they contract with. Those two agencies are PPL (Public Partnerships, LLC) and CDCN-VA (Consumer Direct Care Network of Virginia). When Live-Ins initially sign up with a fiscal agent, they are given intake documents. In those documents, are forms which identify the address of the consumer and the caregiver. There are also specific "difficulty of care" forms that must be filled out. These forms identify if caregiver and care recipient live in the same home. After a caregiver begins working, the two fiscal agents post LIve-Ins time sheets and payroll forms differently than "Live-Outs". "Live-Outs" are taxed differently and cannot work over 40 hours per week. LIve-Ins post over 40 hours per week without over time, and their payments are treated as IRS titled "difficulty of care" income on their pay stubs and W-2's. So, for very important legal and contractual purposes, Live-Ins are clearly identified upon start of work by the fiscal agents contracted by DMAS. Live-Ins are also identified by the IRS, Virginia Dept. of Taxation, DMAS' contracted service facilitators that visit the home, and the Live-Ins' tax preparers.