Several years ago the status and issue of anesthesia, sedation, licensing, permits, etc. was brought before the Board of Dentistry and settled. There were individuals at that time who were proponents of making changes similar to Mr. Haddad, the personal injury attorney who is currently petitioning for changes to the regulations. The previous evaluation of similarly proposed regulation changes proved such changes to be overly burdensome to dentists providing anesthesia/sedation services. It was also determined that the public interest was being served well by the status quo. Again, at that time there were self serving claims of numerous patient deaths at the hands of dentists using sedation/anesthesia, but like the current claims, there was no substantiating evidence, other than 2 or 3 cases over many decades and those cases were associated with oral surgeons, and one oral surgeon in particular. A request for governing agencies to provide for public perusal, statements of basis, purpose, and substance, to consider any issue of proposed changes of the current regulations on sedation/anesthesia, would show the same results. No doubt such investigation would show little or no public benefit, and only again show that the cost benefit ratio for such rule changes would be onerous. Practicing dentists are struggling to pay ever increasing mandated taxes, fees, and financial levies mandated by state and local bureaucracies that are ever growing even in the current climate of recessionary depression. I propose we see proof demonstrating a verifiable public need for change, or leave well enough alone. We don't need to rehash this issue, and yoke small business with any additional burdens. R.S. Mayberry DDS