I actually feel sad now, after having read this. I have watched my son and his friends drink to the point that they would have died had I not been there to turn them onto their stomachs when they vomited in their sleep after a night out in a bar. And adding topless women to a drunken bar will only add more pain in our world. Our men already have enough struggles to face regarding sex and to add topless women to what they already have to deal with is tragic. Our young women need to respect themselves; encouraging them to go topless in front of drunk men is reprehensible. I enjoy meeting friends for good food and a few drinks at bars but I will never go to a bar again if this law passes. I will also do all I can to rid Virginia of every lawmaker who has anything to do with this idea unless it is to squelch it. Just the fact that this idea has made it onto a webpage is upsetting to me. I have always been proud to be a native Virginian -- please do not take that away from me and make me ashamed of our great Commonwealth.