It has long seemed to me that Virginia's ABC laws are generally more restrictive than other states I've visited. I view this as an economic development issue. Many people enjoy a vibrant night life and are more likely to choose to live in a community with a lively entertainment scene. Like it or not, the availability of alcohol plays a vital role in that.
It is already the law that bartenders may not serve intoxicated customers, and that shouldn't change. Circumstances peripheral to that central issue should be of little consideration in the ABC regulations. Exotic dancing, advertising happy hour, extending happy hours, and expanding the manner in which alcohol may be served--none of that impacts a customer's danger to self or long as bartenders and proprietors adhere to the current law of not serving intoxicated customers.
Virginia is no longer a sleepy southern state. It is a top-tier state in every important measure. In population, income, diversity, and, as has been true for generations, in higher education, we are, I think, in the top ten among the fifty states. The much-desired "ceative class" of people seek out this diversity and sophistication, and they are not impressed by ABC laws that focus on issues of morality rather than choice and opportunity.
In addition, I think that, using the same reasoning as cited above, it is time that Virginia ABC eliminate the distinctions between sales of beer and sales of alcohol in licensed establishments. Let's join the 21st century!