BSW and LSW licensure
Action 5070
General Information
Action Summary |
Pursuant to Chapter 451 of the 2018 Acts of the Assembly (HB614), the Board of Social Work has adopted amendments to 18VAC140-20-10 et seq., relating to the division of the category of “licensed social worker” into two licensure categories of “baccalaureate social worker” and “master’s social worker.” |
Chapters Affected |
Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review |
This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project |
Yes [005523] |
Associated Mandates |
Licensure of social workers - divide into BSW and MSW licensure
New Periodic Review |
This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID |
Stage Type |
Status |
Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 08/08/2019. |
Contact Information
Name / Title:
Jaime Hoyle
Executive Director
9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23233-1463
Email Address:
FAX: (804)527-4435
TDD: ()-
This person is the primary contact for this chapter.