Amendment to the Impounding Structure Regulations to provide economic and regulatory relief.
Action 3632
General Information
Action Summary |
Changes being advanced by this regulatory action are largely in response to requirements placed in the Code of Virginia during the last several General Assembly Sessions that directed the Board to:
• Adopt regulations that consider the impact of downstream limited-use or private roadways with low traffic volume and low public safety risk on the determination of the hazard potential classification of an impounding structure under the Dam Safety Act (§ 10.1-604 et seq.).
• Adopt regulations in accordance with § 10.1-605 to establish a simplified methodology for dam break inundation zone analysis.
• Develop a general permit for the regulation of low hazard potential impounding structures in accordance with § 10.1-605.
The regulations contain provisions that address these Code requirements and offer a balance between public safety and the reduced risks associated with low hazard impounding structures. The key elements of the regulations include:
• Provisions to allow for the use of incremental damage analyses to modify hazard potential classifications;
• The use of an annual average daily traffic (AADT) volume of 400 vehicles or less as the number where a roadway may be considered “limited use” and processes by which such an impounding structure may qualify for low hazard potential classification;
• The implementation of a streamlined general permit process with reduced requirements for low hazard dams; and
• The ability for the Department to assist specified dam owners by conducting simplified dam break inundation zone analyses for them.
All of these provisions provide true economic and regulatory relief for low hazard potential dam owners while remaining mindful of the Commonwealth’s public safety obligations. |
Chapters Affected |
Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review |
This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project |
Yes [003054] |
New Periodic Review |
This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID |
Stage Type |
Status |
Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 11/08/2012. |
Contact Information
Name / Title:
Lisa McGee
Policy and Planning Director
600 East Main Street, 24th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
FAX: (804)786-6141
TDD: ()-
This person is the primary contact for this agency.