Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
GDForum ID: 270
Description of Proposed Guidance Document Changes
The purpose of this document is to update the existing guidance related to determining when an Title V application (initial or renewal) is administratively complete pursuant to the Title V requirements of the federal Clean Air Act and Article 1 of the Commonwealth of Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, 9VAC5 Chapter 80. The existing APG-200A - Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual was originally released in 1999 by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Office of Air Permit Programs (OAPP) and has been updated periodically. The OAPP is in the process of reviewing each chapter of the existing manual and updating as appropriate. The following updates have been made to the existing Chapter 2: 1) Reformatted with ADA styles. 2) Revised chapter title and section headings. 3) Provided more discussion of the “timely and complete” review based on implementation experience. 4) Removed discussion that properly belongs in other chapters. This language will be retained in the current version of APG-200A. until the respective chapter is updated. See guidance forum #271 for updates to APG-200A9 - Chapter 9 ( and guidance forum #272 for updates to APG-200A11 - Chapter 11 (
[This forum has been finalized.]
Guidance Document(s) for this Comment Forum
Document ID Document Title Current Document Proposed Document
APG-200A Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual pdf Document     pdf Proposed Document
APG-200A2 Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual, Chapter 2 - Permit Applications –Timely and Complete Review n/a pdf Proposed Document
Contact Information
Patrick Corbett
Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 1105
The Virginia Register

Publication Date: 3/16/2020    Volume: 36  Issue: 15
The public comment period began upon publication and lasted for 30 days. It ended on 4/15/2020.
There were no comments
Effective Date:  4/16/2020   
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