Action | Amend Regulations to Conform to Chapter 1223 of the 2020 Acts of Assembly |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 6/24/2022 |
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When Gardasil first came out, 41 states considered this requirement in 2006- 24 took it to bill - ONE STATE ADOPTED IT- VIRGINIA! Today 3 states and DC have a "requirement that isn't required"- WHY? Colonial Heights, Fauquier County- 13 news media sources- MY FORMER PEDIATRICIAN - ALL REPORTED IT AS REQUIRED. Norm Oliver didn't care- and it seems Dr. Greene doesn't care either since I spoke at the VDH with all of this information last month- and STILL it will be on the list of requirements next year. A BILLION invested by MERCK strictly for the HPV vaccine production under Northam. Marshall Vogt over and over saying "he feels the requirement that isn't required is necessary?" WHY? IT IS NOT COMMUNICABLE IN SCHOOL. period. and if you cannot make sure that parents are ALL GETTING THE ACCURATE INFORMATION from the doctors, counties, VDH, mainstream media, etc. YOU are responsible for every child whose parent got the FALSE information - and trustingly vaccinated their child who then suffered neurological damage as the Vaccine contains Sarin - but since it is supposed to "cook off" doesn't have to be included in the ingredient list. A nerve gas- and neurological side effects like guillian-barre syndrome. small fiber neuropathy, CFS, etc are not a coincidence. DO YOUR JOB. 3 states and DC in 16 years! Read this study by THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE- AND
47 states can see the absolute insanity of "requiring" a vaccine for an STD. WHY CAN'T VIRGINIA? Anne Taydus- Vp strategy and advocacy Virginians for Children First
I refer all questions about the safety and veracity of vaccines and immunizations to the thorough and complete work done and completed by Robert Kennedy Jr. I would like to minimize the amount of chemicals injected into our kids!
My child’s body MY CHOICE!
Stop the medical mandates. Make schools great again!!!
Take all the excess out, back to academics
The HPV vaccine has injured many children and many have died. If you mandate this then you should be held responsible for any injuries and DEATHS due to the vaccine mandate.
For far too long Vaccine injuries have been ignored! When are you going to make Vaccine Manufacturers liable again?!? What about true informed consent and showing the inserts with death listed on it?!? How about LONG TERM Safety studies?!? Why is CANCER NEVER looked at in terms of vaccines? HPV has been proven to regulate itself. It is not deadly but these jabs have been proven to be. Just look at the VAERS data. Look at VAXXED one and two documentary of the willful ignorance of the CDC and WHO. You are no longer trusted in the eyes of MILLIONS. Common sense is needed not conformity. Conformity with who CA, DC and VA who are the only states who’ve added HPV to the list of mandatory injections. This is ridiculous. Who protects the people from these captured agencies?
Why do children need a vaccine against an STD? It's ludicrous. Aside from that, medical freedom is a MUST and no parent should be required to inject their child with something. The list of vaccines required have grown over the years and we now see more autism and other issues for children. I see more young women having a hard time conceiving when they want a family. Vaccine manufacturers are not held liable for damages and we all know Big Pharma is only out for profit. So are many of those making these decisions. The safety of our citizens, both children and adults, has been sold out for personal gain. Shame on you if you allow it to continue. You will reap what you sow.
A child's body should not be force injected with anything that carries no liability against it's manufacturer and hasn't been properly researched (meaning long term studies with an actual control group of non-vaccinated children).
HPV should never have been added to the list of mandatory vaccines after so many reactions and side effects were seen. Parents should be the ones making the final decisions for what medical procedures are done to their child.
Remove the HPV mandate as far too many children and young adults have been seriously & permanently injured from this shot for an illness that is NOT easily transmissible through school attendance (unless the schools are pushing/permitting rampant underage sexual activity). I personally know of a girl who nearly died of Crohn’s disease brought on right after the HPV shot and has had much of her intestines removed and now deals with complications of the j-pouch the doctors created in a attempt to fix the damage caused by the HPV shot. She can never be normal again because of the damage from this shot! Giving this to any child is the same as playing Russian roulette! There are MANY medical reports documenting the serious dangers with the HPV shot. This should not be mandated for any child!
Check out this official government medical report on the HPV shot‘’s serious side effect! This is just one of the serious side effects of the HPV shot. Getting this shot is like playing Russian roulette - are you willing to damage your child or any other child with this shot for an illness NOT transmitted during normal school activity??
There should never be more vaccines added to the schedule! Parents know what's best for their children!!! It should always be the choice of the parents! Sexually transmitted disease vaccines should never be added! Experimental MRNA vaccines should never be added!! Parents should always be allowed to opt-out of everything!!!!!!!
It is not the school nor the governments place to have any decisions is the health and well-being of a child. According to Virginia law, it’s the parents right to choose what is best for their child!! No to unnecessary vaccines!
I do not want the government to make medical choices for my children. I am against forced vaccinations. I have zero faith in the medical community.
I do not agree with any updates to the current schedule of vaccines which would mandate/ add HPV, COVID etc. Given the recent conversations regarding, "my body, my choice," the government needs to pay attention. The people want less mandates. We want medical freedom and to have informed consent. VDH and the CDC should be reexamining every vaccine that is on the current schedule. Looking at the cases of vaccine injury and stopping the push with a "one size fits all approach." I do not want anyone telling me what shots my kids need to have in order to go to school, fit into society, especially those which are resulting in long term damage or short term efficacy. NO to mandated shots.
How many teens will live with long term side effects from HPV vaccine because of limited information already? Chronic fatigue, POTS, etc. enough. HPV is not nor should it ever be required!!
No vaccine mandates!!!!
Parents should be the one to decide what goes into the bodies of their children NOT THE GOVERNMENT! No changes are necessary and this needs to stop. We are a country founded on freedom and choice. Stop the madness!
No to any type of medical mandates
Where there is risk there must be choice and informed consent. Medical decisions should be confidential. There is no reason any citizen should know another person's medical treatments unless they are part of that person's Healthcare team.
Where there is risk, there must be choice.
Medical freedom for all
There are only certain vaccines that I can see have a history of being tested and true. I do believe that there is a huge difference between vaccines given in terms of the # and boosters, from back in the 70's to the 90's to now. I would like to see what can be done to accommodate some of the concerns made by parents.
While I understand polio, for instance, should be a required vaccine, the flu shot shouldn't be.
The current covid vaccine simply has too much medical controversy to be required at this point in time.
CommentID: 122160
June 24, 2022
To whom it may concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Action to Amend Regulations to Conform to Chapter 1223 of the 2020 Acts of Assembly.
The Virginia Chapter of Children’s Health Defense (VCCHD) is a nonprofit focused on protecting the health of children and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm to children’s health.
VCCHD recognizes that this periodic review is required by law is to ensure compliance with legislation passed in 2020 that requires Virginia’s school children follow the CDC recommended schedule of childhood vaccines in order to attend school.
Had the Virginia Chapter of Children’s Health Defense been in existence at the time this legislation was passed, we would have strongly opposed it for the following reasons:
The U.S. Supreme Court recognized that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and can cause injury and death in some recipients. The US Government has paid out more than $5 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) (See
We strongly encourage the Board of Health to recognize not only the beneficial impacts of vaccines but to amend its regulations so that they properly acknowledge that negative impacts are possible. This could be accomplished by promoting the adverse events reporting system; voicing support for maintaining exemptions when legislative attempts threaten their existence; ensuring doctors are not threatened with the loss of their licenses when they approve medical exemptions for their patients; and strongly advocating the principals of informed consent.
Thank you again for the opportunity to comment.
Kathy Blum
Virginia Chapter Children’s Health Defense