I am the proud parent of a Transgender adult and I wholeheartedly support the petitioner requests that the Vital Records regulations be amended as follows: Virginia's birth certificate gender change regulation should not require surgery, based on a modern understanding of appropriate treatment for transgender people.
My child has struggled to be acknowledged and identified in the gender with which HE ascribes. My child took the initiative to start the legal documentation process to change HIS name and to change the gender marker to MALE. The process was so quite difficult. I am sure that my if my child was not as strong as HE, and HIS persistence not as fervent, the changes would not have happened. I speak for those Transgender individuals and parents who don't have the opportunity to add comment to this petition. Please make this legal process easier and thwart all stumbling blocks, and challenges, and RED TAPE so these individuals can be identified in the way they want to be identified. Please give consideration to the petition that Vital Records regulations be amended. Please give consideration to allow Virginia's birth certificate gender change regulation NOT TO REQUIRE surgery, based on a modern understanding of appropriate treatment for transgender people.
My child is proud to be identified as MALE through a legal name change. I am very proud of HIM. Please make this a reality for more Virginians!
Lissa Brown