Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/30/23  7:03 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Agencies Cannot Compete w/a Parent - Please do not change the program for parents nor guardians

How can agencies compete against the care and services given by parents and legal guardians - they cannot compete. Agencies continue to pay their employees poorly and often continue to have a high attrition rate. The new proposals continue to require parents to not only become workers, but that is also based on the agencies willingness to hire them. Also, there is a deeper concern. Will the agency then decide whether the parent is the caretaker? Parents with children with disabilities should not have to worry whether the agency can fire them. How will the agencies be chosen? If a parent believes the services or the expectation of the parent does not align with the agency, what happens then? Parents continue to advocate for their children because they know their children. They know their needs. That information is priceless. They should not be forced into an agency driven program, with limited hours (services) and with no respite hours. Being a parent is never easy and forcing them to be under the oppression of an agency, punishes parents who continue to try and survive.  Keep the program as it is and do not change the Consumer Directed Care Program. 

CommentID: 215751