I oppose this document to meet the GA's requirement that VDOE provide guidance on policies to govern standards of evaluating teachers' (principals' and superintendents') "cultural competence" every two years. The document provides zero guidance and leaves districts free to rely on "stakeholders" to fill in the crucial details of evaluation standards that will impact every teacher and what every teacher will introduce into the classroom (not to mention raise questions of opening the door to a district's invasion of teacher/staff privacy in their professional evaluation of "cultural competency"). Parents are the primary stakeholders of their children in the classroom and must have a voice beyond a Town Hall comment window. The guidance articulated here is too vague to meet reasonable expectations of accountability and transparency. VDOE: start over and articulate to all of us Virginians what it means to be a "culturally competent" teacher in the Commonwealth. What must/may teachers say (and not say)? What teaching materials must/may a teacher use to meet "cultural competency" standards? Put these standards and all of the "cultural competence" content which meets these standards in plain sight for parents to evaluate. Parents must be a part of any "cultural" education of their children in Virginia public schools. Look only to the devastating consequences in those countries which use tactics like this guidance to remove parents from the classroom.