Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Social Services
State Board of Social Services
Fraud Reduction/Elimination Effort [22 VAC 40 ‑ 325]
Guidance Documents
Chapter Information
Description Local departments of socials services, in accordance with 63.2-526 of the Code of Virginia, have established the Fraud Reduction Elimination Effort (FREE) program for the prevention, detection, and investigation fraud activities.
State Authority Section 63.2-217 of the Code of Virginia
Federal Authority None entered
Text of Regulation Link to Virginia Administrative Code
Goals of Regulation Pursuit of fraud prevention, detection and investigation by local departments of social services; identify funding source, allocation methodology, and requirements to receive funding.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Toni Blue Washington 
Address: 801 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)726-7662    FAX: (804)726-7669    TDD: ()-
Current Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Rename Program and Modify Local Reimbursement Formula NOIRA Governor's office review in progress.

Past Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Amend Regulation to Accurately Reflect Reimbursement Practices for Local Fraud Activities Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 08/24/2017.
Redefine criteria for reimbursement Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 10/01/2006.
Establish Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 08/16/2000.

Withdrawn Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Rename Program and Modify Local Reimbursement Formula NOIRA Stage withdrawn on 12/17/2024 before the Secretary's office completed its review.
Rename Program & Modify Local Reimbursement Formula NOIRA Stage withdrawn on 04/27/2023 after the comment period had ended.

Periodic Reviews
Last Activity Status
7/1/2014 Agency Completed Amend
8/19/2010 Agency Completed Retain As Is
7/31/2003 Agency Completed Amend