Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board
Stormwater Management Regulations AS 9 VAC 25-870 [4 VAC 50 ‑ 60]
Action Amend Parts I, II, and III of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations to address water quality and quantity and local stormwater management program criteria.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/21/2009
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8/21/09  10:32 am
Commenter: Augusta Farm Bureau Federation


As farmers in Augusta County, we are always cautious of regulations.  We do recognize however that unmanaged stormwater can be very disruptive to our business as well as a major source of pollution to our waterways.

We feel today's agriculture practices have made very positive steps in controlling nutrient and soil runoff from our land.  We are concerned, however, that every contributing source be responsible for their share.

The documentation of known increases from the development community concern us greatly and the Homebuilders Assoc. of Va. response to their increased responsibilities by proposed regulations although predictable, should not be tolerated.  Lowering their phosphorus standards and payment to others paying is not going to solve the problem.

We ask that all sectors do their share.


Rick Shiflet, Chair - Land Use Committee

CommentID: 9847