I have a Master's degree in psychology. A key principle in psychological practice is that to encourage, endorse, or deepen an individual's psychological disorder is deeply unethical. Thus, the Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students are unethical in that they encourage gender dysphoria rather than promoting support and healing for its victims.
Moreover, the Model Policies defy basic biological science. In psychology, the inability to acknowledge reality is defined as a "psychosis," making the Model Policies fit the definition of "psychotic" (or the writer(s) is psychotic). No one who denies science has any business doing anything related to the education of children. The Model Policies should be rejected immediately and those involved in their development released from any education related employment.
The elimination of gender based practices such as single sex sports teams and father daughter dances denies our basic human design. Indoctrinating children into such unscientific madness could be considered child abuse given the deep harm it can cause.
The Model policies should be wholly rejected save for the principle that students suffering from gender dysphoria should be treated with compassion and not bullied.