To Whom it May Concern:
My family and I have been providing Sponsor Home Services for the past 16+ years. We have seen countless documentation changes and have gladly gone with it without comment or complaint. However there comes a time when we feel we must interject our feelings on a proposed change. We provide the best services that we can possibly povide with the amount of paperwork that is already asked of us. But there comes a time when YOU, the powers that be, need to decide if you want "quality of care" or "quanity of paperwork". There have been countless changes and with each change we have to spend more and more time learning what exactly you want and how to make these changes work to the advantage of our Supported Individuals. We urge you to take a step back and look at it from the frontlines. Please use a commonsense approach before implementing more work for us to do. Find a way to take paperwork off us and make the paperwork we do say what you need to be said.
Sharon Looney, Sponsor Home Provider, Stevie Looney, R.N., Amy Looney, M.A. (Guardian of Supported Individuals)