Action | Reduce and Cap Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuel Fired Electric Power Generating Facilities (Rev. C17) |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/9/2018 |
Cutting carbon emissions is good for our state and good for humanity. Cutting carbon emissions will alleviate diseases like asthma and other maladies that air pollution causes such as cognitive delays and autism-especially in children. Polluting our air is causing the atmosphere to thicken and further trap dangerous planet-warming, greenhouse gasses. As the planet warms, sea levels rise, storms become less predictable and more violent, droughts last longer, and people suffer.
It is about time Virginia shift focus to cleaner, renewable energy. Renewable energy development means jobs. The renewable energy sector has more jobs than the fossil fuel electricity sector and it's time for Virginia to benefit from this boom.
Especially now that the federal government has decided to back down from addressing climate change and environmental protection, it is up to states to ensure a livable planet. It's the econimical and moral thing to do. Our air in Virginia impacts our neighbors and our charges, the land and ocean life that depend on us for protection.
Cap carbon emissions on factories and transportation. We must insist on this so that Virginia can meet its climate action goals in good faith.