Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of General Services
Department of General Services
Regulations Governing the Certification of Non-Commercial Environmental Laboratories [1 VAC 30 ‑ 45]
Action Establish Regulation
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 9/17/2008
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9/16/08  11:45 am
Commenter: Robin Buckalew, Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation Distroct

An informed public that participates in water monitoring can result in more realisitic expectations

An exerpt from DCR document entitled Watershed Prioritization by Mr. Mark Bennett


"The opportunity to improve communication with the public is one of the strongest motivating factors for states to adopt a staewide watershed management approach.  By developing information plans and using methods that promote public involvement (e.g. educational meetings, workshops, citizen stream-monitoring) watershed management can increase public awareness for watershed related issues and facilitate responses to citizen concerns.  Watershed plans contribute to a more informed public, which can result in more realistic expectations regarding water management. "

CommentID: 2194