I appreciate the opportunity to offer my comments concerning the proposed stormwater management regulations offered by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
I am a firm believer in protecting the Chesapeak Bay Watershed. However, I do not believe that you can hold one industry accountable for the entire watershed. There are many sources of pollutants in the watershed not caused by new development. Each of us are stewards of this earth but to put the burden on one industry when we are each responsible is socialism at its worst.
The DCR proposal causes great concern for me as a resident. The proposed regulations, if approved, will do extensive damage to Virginia’s open space environment and the state’s ability to achieve reasonable business growth. While causing these problems, the proposal will not come close to achieving the goals established for nutrient runoff mitigation.
I strongly support all realistic, scientifically-quantifiable efforts at repairing the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. But the environment cannot be the sole determining factor in how to proceed, as it is in this proposal. Economic development, affordable housing, reasonable land use and program costs for business, government and Virginians must be factored into the equation as well. If we clean up the Bay but cut off economic development, increase costs for all Virginians during the worst economy in 70 years and trigger massive urban sprawl at the same time, we do a disservice to the state and to future generations wishing to call Virginia home.