The DD and ID Waivers were created to keep the disabled OUT of institutions and to provide in-home care instead, saving the Government/Taxpayers incalculable MILLIONS/BILLIONS in Institutionalization costs. Pay the parents for the care of our children. We know them best and WOULD rather have them in our care at home rather than sent to an institution, where their care cannot be monitored, being cared for by strangers who often come and go. The most reliable staff is FAMILY.
So, please KEEP APPENDIX K permanently. Do no limit it to 40 hours, and give families the Respite Dollars they are unable to use due to lack of Respite providers, just as Care Providers all left with the Pandemic. This suggestion will still be a LOT less costly than having children/adults flooding hospitals and institutions. We want to keep our loved ones at home but many cannot work outside of the home due to the high needs of our children.