I am writing in regards to the Application for 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Draft:
Please DO NOT take away the option for a parent to be the paid caregiver of our special needs children/adults. Being a single mother with a special needs adult is challenging but as parents we know our children better than anyone else. It's so hard to find reliable, dependable help for $12.70 to take care of an adult with needs such as toileting,bathing, feeding, dressing and other needs. My son was born with special needs, he's not going to out grow his condition. He's always going to need help. I thought these waivers are meant to provide care for the individual in the home where they are safe? Home and Community Based services, isn't that what the waiver stands for? The consumer has a choice between consumer directed services or /and agency directed services. Please don't take their rights away because of their disability . The consumer is happiest with the care of a loved one- parent/family. I'm advocating for the right to take care of my son. Please don't take this option from him!!