Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Law
Department of Law / Office of the Attorney General
Public Participation Guidelines [1 VAC 45 ‑ 5]
Guidance Documents
Chapter Information
Description Regulations are being promulgated to provide guidelines for public participation in the process of developing and promulgating regulations to implement programs under the authority of the Attorney General.
State Authority Section Section 2.2-400
Federal Authority N/A
Text of Regulation Link to Virginia Administrative Code
Goals of Regulation 1) Ensure that persons and organizations are noticed when the board is considering regulatory action.
2) Ensure that the public has the opportunity to comment on the promulgation of any regulation.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Leslie Haley  / Deputy Attorney General for Government Operations and Transactions
, VA
Email Address:
Telephone: ()-    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-
Current Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status

Past Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Model public participation regulations Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 12/17/2015.