Description |
A regulation that (1) restricts the movement of articles that may harbor the boll weevil to prevent the reintroduction of the boll weevil into Virginia and other non-infested states by the use of inspections, certificates, permits, compliance agreements, and treatments, if necessary; (2) requires all cotton farmers in Virginia to participate in the eradication program that includes reporting of acreage, field locations, compliance with all cotton boll weevil regulations and payment of per-acre fees to support the survey to determine whether the boll weevil is present; and (3) prohibits non-commercial cotton from being planted unless the grower applies for and receives an exemption to grow cotton.
State Authority |
Section 3.2-703
of the Code of Virginia
Federal Authority |
None entered
Text of Regulation |
Link to Virginia Administrative Code |
Goals of Regulation |
1. The protection of the public's health, safety, and welfare with the least possible cost and intrusiveness to the citizens and businesses of the Commonwealth.
2. The prevention of the boll weevil's re-infestation of Virginia's cotton crop.
Meetings |
See all meetings (3) relating to this chapter.