Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Human Resource Management
Department of Human Resource Management
Commonwealth of Virginia Health Benefits Program [1 VAC 55 ‑ 20]
Guidance Documents
Chapter Information
Description This regulation contains all the rules governing the health benefit plan for state employees.
State Authority Section 2.2-2818 of the Code of Virginia
Federal Authority N/A
Text of Regulation Link to Virginia Administrative Code
Goals of Regulation None entered

Contact Information
Name / Title: Mecca Hall  / PR
, VA
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)773-0247    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-
Current Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status

Past Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
update regulation Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 03/13/2014.
Setting contribution rates for the health benefits plan for state employees.
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage withdrawn on 11/21/2013 prior to submitting for AG review.
These regulations increase the limiting age for dependent children to age 26, while removing any residency or employee financial support requirements currently required by the plan.
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 09/16/2010.
These regulations increase the limiting age for dependent children to age 26, while removing any res
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Proposed Stage withdrawn on 06/16/2010 prior to submitting for AG review.
Increase the limiting age for dependent children to age 26. Fast-Track Stage withdrawn on 06/16/2010 before DPB authorized for Fast-Track status.
This amendment removes the requirement that a child be claimed by an employee as a dependent on their federal income tax return, and sets up dependency criteria based on relationship, residency, age, and self-support. Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 03/15/2006.
This action removes the requirement that a covered child be claimed as a dependent on an employee’s federal income tax return Fast-Track Stage withdrawn on 04/02/2007 after Attorney General's review.
Amends section 1VAC55-20 et seq. to assure that it is in compliance with legislation that has been passed on the state and federal level. Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/16/2004.

Withdrawn Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
This action will amend section 1VAC 55 320(E) to include adults, other than spouses and incapacitated adult children, as participants in the Health Benefits Plan for State Employees Proposed Stage withdrawn on 01/29/2010 prior to publication in The Virginia Register.
These regulations increase the limiting age for dependent children to age 26, while removing any res
Proposed Stage withdrawn on 06/16/2010 prior to submitting for AG review.

Periodic Reviews
Last Activity Status
12/27/2018 Filed Pending