Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Rules and Regulations For Licensing Providers by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services [12 VAC 35 ‑ 105]
Compliance with Virginia’s Settlement Agreement with US DOJ
Action 5040
General Information
Action Summary The intent of this regulatory action is to ensure compliance with the requirements of Section V. Quality and Risk Management System of the U. S. Department of Justice’s Settlement Agreement with Virginia (United States of America v. Commonwealth of Virginia, Civil Action No. 3:12cv059-JAG), that states individuals in the Settlement Agreement population who are receiving services in Virginia’s public system of services shall receive a level of care that complies with the requirement of the Agreement. Quality improvement measures are required of CSBs for services they provide, but are not currently in the DBHDS Licensing Regulations for other providers. The proposed amendments will provide clarifications to and expand the requirements for the quality practices for the health, safety, care, and treatment for adults who receive services from service providers. This action is brought under Code of Virginia 2.2-4011(A).
Chapters Affected Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project Yes  [004381]
New Periodic Review This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID Stage Type Status
8262 Emergency/NOIRA Stage complete. Emergency regulation superseded by final permanent regulation.
8546 Proposed Stage complete. Comment period ended 01/10/2020.
8928 Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 08/01/2020.
Contact Information
Name / Title: Susan Puglisi  / Regulatory Research Specialist
Address: Jefferson Building
1220 Bank St., 4th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
Phone: ()-    FAX: (804)371-6638    TDD: (804)371-8977

This person is the primary contact for this agency.