Watching the local news tonight, I don't believe that the suggestions I heard as changes to the regulations are "good" ones. I am a 21 year old female who, honestly, loves to go out and have a good time, and can see the hazards of serving liquor by the pitcher and allowing women to be topless. I personally believe that the incidence of rapes, fights, and overal drama would be a few of the results from women being allowed to go topless in bars. I don't believe something like that should be a public thing - behavior like that should be kept to "strip clubs". Decisions like this cause will cause many people to stay at home and/or find other ways and places to celebrate, potentially causing many bars to actually lose business. As for extending hours of serving alcohol and serving liquor by the pitcher - I believe incidence of alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents, and alcohol-related accidents in general, would be the result of this. Maybe some changes to advertising policies could be made, but it isn't like bars are hurting - there are always people celebrating milestones and the weekends...and, unfortunately, there are always alcoholics who get their fill and survive their lives one bar trip at a time. Most people that I know who go to bars, regulary or irregularly, feel the same as I do - I feel as though some of these suggestions would actually hurt the business of bars, as the community I live in and those around it have morals and strong religious roots. Bars need to be kept a fun, safe environment for ALL who enjoy the scene and, frankly, some of these suggestions create hazards to the public and those operating/working in the local bars.