Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Regulations Governing Pupil Transportation [8 VAC 20 ‑ 70]
Action Amend Ch 70: Pupil Transportation regulations: Update the Regulations based on new technology and other changes in pupil transportation in Virginia
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 10/16/2009


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9/6/09  5:15 am
Commenter: Debra Wilson - Concerned Citizen

Pupil Transportation

Perhaps I overlooked it, but I did not see any restrictions placed on the activities of school bus drivers while transporting students.  With recent public transportation tragedies, it seems incumbent to assure that distractions are kept to a minimum when students are being bussed.  Restricting the use of cell phones and other portable electronic devices, whether it be making calls, texting, or, heaven forbid, game playing, by including such prohibitions in these regulations just makes sense to me.

Curiously, such prohibitions were added to the regulations requiring signaling personnel for heavy equipment without reverse signals.  (See Labor Dept. NOIRAs)  School children deserve equal safety measures.

CommentID: 9958