As a taxpayer in Fairfax County, we believe that the focus of education is to teach our kids on normal subject matter, not material that should be handled by parents of "transgender" students, not the teachers and school officials. Our schools should not be assigning gender designations. One of those subjects is Biology which teaches that we have 23 pairs of chromosomes that are identical except for the 23rd which distinguishes between male from female. The female has 2 X chromosomes and the male has an X and Y. If there is some variance of this normal biology, then the parents need to consult a medical specialist in that area, i.e., chromosome irregularities. Too much time is spent in our schools on student social issues and not enough time on standard classroom education and discipline. Our schools should be teaching our children to advance their knowledge and abilities in things like math, science and technology because the US is ranked lower than other countries in the world and needs to improve. In addition, school budgets are always tight and the funding provided (in Fairfax County - $3B) to educate our children should be used for that, not on material that should be addressed by parents and family. Schools should provide parents with names and contact information for professionals who can address this issue with them. Schools should always provide a safe environment for all students no matter what gender, nationality, race, etc., they may be.