Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools guidance document was developed in response to House Bill 145 and Senate Bill 161, enacted by the 2020 Virginia General Assembly, which directed the Virginia Department of Education to develop and make available to each school board model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools. These guidelines address common issues regarding transgender students in accordance with evidence-based best practices and include information, guidance, procedures, and standards relating to: compliance with applicable nondiscrimination laws; maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students; prevention of and response to bullying and harassment; maintenance of student records; identification of students; protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information; enforcement of sex-based dress codes; and student participation in sex-specific school activities, events, and use of school facilities.
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2/3/21  11:09 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

1000% opposed and against this policy

This is completely insane and will cause mass chaos and confusion not only to faculty but the poor innocent children as well. This policy will endanger our children physically and mentally! What about our rights? What about the rights of those who do not want their child forced to change in a locker room with the opposite sex who “identifies” a certain way?? Or to have our children accused of harassment should they happen use the wrong pronoun. Just because someone “identifies” as something doesn’t make it so. Not to mention there have been studies done (even common sense will tell you this) that children are impressionable and immature and the amount of confused children is going to compound exponentially! You will have a child following a transgender fad one month and changing back the next. These are children! Follow the science, we are either biological male or female. You start down this rabbit hole and there will never be an end. Just utter chaos. 

CommentID: 96991