These suggested policies are hurtful not only to boys and girls who are sensitive to undressing at home for bath time (let alone at school or at a friend's home), but also to boys and girls who want to experiment with their gender identity.
Gender and sex are not fluid realities. They are not social constructs. Gender and sex are God-given, scientific realities rooted in biology.
A child who is consistently taught that he or she may identify as something or someone else may one day be in charge of boys and girls who identify as boys and girls. If and when that adult is allowed to enter a restroom or locker room with children of the opposite sex, that adult becomes a sexual pervert. That adult, regardless of his or her then gender identity, becomes a danger to those children.
Remember: children who today are encouraged to experiment with a fluid concept of gender identity will one day be adults who may harm boys and girls.
Thank you for your time and consideration.