Under the heading "Student Identification" the second paragraph begins, "When a student asserts that they have a name and/or pronoun affirming their gender identity, school staff should abide by the student’s wishes as to how to address the student." This needs to be expanded to include additional support for child and community development!
Examples include:
"When a parent asserts that they have a parental philosophy affirming their child's gender identity, school staff should abide by the parent’s wishes as to how to educate that child."
"When a community asserts that they have an education philosophy affirming a student's gender identity, school boards should abide by the community’s wishes as to how to educate that child."
"When a school board asserts that they have an educational philosophy affirming a student's gender identity, VDOE should abide by the school board's wishes as to how to educate for that child."
I believe we have turned this predicament on its head and fear that we will lead more gender nonconforming youth into disillusionment and despair by this anti-community approach.