Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Board of Health Regulations Governing Vital Records [12 VAC 5 ‑ 550]
Action Amend regulations following periodic review - Change of Sex
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 10/4/2019
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8/5/19  4:08 pm
Commenter: Castlewood, VA


As a Virginian mother of a Transgender teen (who will be old enough to vote soon), I support legislation that enables Transgender persons to more easily change their gender marker on their vital records.  At 17 years old, my son has already faced significant issues with getting his drivers license (which REQUIRES he register for selective service, although he is prohibited from registering, this is after jumping through many hoops to get the gender marker changed on his drivers license.) Whether you agree that being transgender is a medical malfunction of gender hormones, or prefer to take a more bigoted approach, you have to agree that a child should not be reduced to terror in your offices, applying for your state identification. Getting a driver's license is a joyous right of passage for most teens. Weren't you excited to get your first license? My son's excitement was overrun by the fear that he would be attacked. Children should not have to fear they they and their families may be beaten by strange adults because your policies force them to be  exposed as transgender in public.

He also had significant issues at your public school with records not being corrected. Before moving him to home schooling, he was tested for the commonwealth of Virginia's Gifted Program. I was told he got the highest score. The highest - out of all the gifted students in Virginia. Transgender children like mine are murdered and raped by small minded people. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that "outing" him in public, puts my son's life in danger.

CommentID: 75041