The inclusion of the following language into the definition of a group home: "who do not live in the home" threatens the operation of a group home model that has been quite successful in fully supporting and including people with developmental disabilities in the home setting and their communities.
A successful group home model that we have seen here in Northern Virginia is L'Arche of Greater Washington DC. This model not only integrates "Core Members" into the very home setting as actual residence, but it supports an inclusive community for all. Individuals with developmental disabilities have benefited, for a number of years, from this model in living alongside and engaging with people without a DD diagnosis. These "Core Members" are members of the community and not just people who come to work everyday. As such, they are better able to engage the individuals with DD, who reside in the same home, to be just as active and engaged in their communities. They share experiences beyond planning meetings, grocery shopping, day trips and other outings. In addition to these important activities, Core Members also attend community events such as civic meetings and community church services (and not exclusive of one or a particular faith). They are often members of community recreation centers and thus can join the participants in attending exercise programs (more than just taking them to a gym to "supervise" as they exercise). They create and share meals and eat as a family (rather than just assisting with meal preparation).
There are a number of alternative group home models and this is what adds variety to choice. To restrict the operation of a the L'Arche model (by this change in definition) restricts choice and will greatly impact the lives of eight individuals who are THRIVING in "their homes" and "their" communities.