The intent of the regulation is to prevent someone who owns a property from opening and operating a bingo, not to primarily benefit charity, but, to ensure that the property generates income for the landlord.
While the petition describes what is an unfortunate circumstance in that the people running this particular bingo certainly seem to be sincere and honest people there are other lobbying efforts to move the business into a model that will adversely affect the smaller, often more rural, bingo games in the state.
Landlords, distributors, and manufacturers are trying to get the rules changed - ostensibly to help with raising bingo operations' revenues - in other ways that could also increase their influence and profit margins while not not necessarily benefitting the players and those charities which rely on bingo for funding.
Keep the rule but ensure that it is enforced equally. I feel eliminating it would hurt the smaller games disproportionately. Rules should harm as few as possible, not benefit the few with the most to gain.