The responsibilities of the "Telecommunicator", the impact of their job, and the skills necessary to perform the job have long surpassed the curriculum provided through DCJS. I have outlined below more details to support this statement.
I could write a book, but I am hoping my point has been made. Training and on-going training is critical in public safety communications. It is an ever-changing environment that cannot be taught from a code book or how-to book. The individual is a skilled public safety professional deserving of training that provides them with the tools and knowledge to perform their job. We are duplicating efforts and taking away valuable resources from our communications center to send an individual to the academy (they have already spent 6 weeks in an agency academy and have spent more than 800 hours of OJT). With an environment that is always taxed for personnel resources, this not only lends itself to a fiscal impact, but also greatly impacts the manpower available to do the job.
Your consideration is appreciated.