Within Chapter 12: Employment, Post- Secondary Opportunities, and Integrated Community Involvement> Employment Services under Waiver (page 124). The handbook indicates the following:
Ordinarily, DARS would be a first option for referral for employment services for people who use Waiver services. However, this may be bypassed when DARS has a waitlist. Acceptable documentation for this would be: 1) Written documentation from DARS or the school system, OR 2) Progress note that records the content of a communication that includes a name, date, and person contacted, documented either in the individual's file maintained by the SC on the ISP or the supported employment provider's supporting documentation. Unless the individual's circumstances change (for example, the individual is seeking a new job), the original verification may be forwarded into the current record or repeated on the supporting documentation.
The text needs clarification on the following:
As a provider, we want to ensure we continue to work with our Support Coordinators in properly utilizing the employment resources that are available to the individuals we support. Having clarity on what defines a DARS waitlist and where to access this information will ensure that Support Coordinators and providers understand expectations and help communicate informed choices to job seekers.